Passport & Booty Globalization

Raulin gonna bang your chick

I remember the first time I heard of women going overseas to buy sex, or to travel and pretend they’re not going to have sex, which is still sex travel. An ethnic female SVP (whom I knew) at a company went down to Jamaica’s HEDONISM, got married, and had orgies. She had her passport on her desk, at all times, so all could see that she had a passport. It was a badge of honor to her, that she could travel like the rest of polite society. And yeah, I did say ORGIES because she went to a Hedonism and did that, for her honeymoon phase. Other ethnic women told me that went there solo and had sex with men down there, in Jamaica, at Hedonism. What is Hendonism? They are sex-themed resorts, in Jamaica, and every women over 30 years old knows of this, but because you can’t take photos there, many young people may not know of it. Not true, doesn’t exist? READ THIS FEMALE REVIEW ON TRIPADVISOR. This reviewer gives it 4 stars and brags that she was ” was only seriously propositioned once during my five days there“. Women have been in such places for DECADES, traveling while pretending to “find themselves”- yeah, at nudist sex resorts like that. The number one group of ethnic people going there, OUR WOMEN! There are organizations of horny women, like this BLACK NUDISTS ASSOCIATION (BNA) group, going to Jamaica to get banged while claiming to HELP “build self-esteem” and “heal”. Ok, Sis. 🤣 Here is their mission statement: “We are an association that advocates nudity through naturist environments and activities to help promote healthy body images and self-esteem for those in the black community.” What were Black women doing when they had their passports 20 years ago to now? All of these available men in the USA and they’re traveling to go pay for sex abroad? What kinds of people would do that with all these eligible men? How CREEPY! Who hurt them? Do they hate their fathers? Are they losers who nobody wants to marry so they have to go buy sex overseas? I hear this questions a lot, about Black men who like to travel, so I’m assuming the same can be asked of women who travel, right? I mean, look at all the lovely, and elegantly dressed women going for sex travel at HEDONISM in this PROMO video below (this woman ‘Angela Bonds’ promotes sex travel OPENLY to women of color, which is something that Auston Holleman guy did NOT do, ironically enough):
Over a decade ago, I met a European descendant dude who was going to Hedonism a lot, and he was bragging how he was running through countless Black women in Hedonism, and he wanted more guys to go. THEN, only a few dudes wanted to go there, it sounded creepy to most men, men were grossed out by him telling his stories of sex-capades, especially to many Blacks/Latinos, who didn’t want to do solo travel and certainly not just to get sex. We used to clown that pervert heavily. You couldn’t pay a Black dude to go travel to get sex, from our communities. Dudes doing it, were doing it in SILENCE, because it was creepy to regular men, because we could get our own ladies in the USA, good women too- BACK THEN! We have a problem with male creepiness and men just want to avoid being creepy- or at least they USED to avoid wanting to look creepy. Today, we are in a really bad state, in the West, as men, because creepiness is becoming less of a shameful thing, as you can see already took hold of women, although most men still don’t want to be creepy. Today, too many men are being seen as creepy- legitimate and not for just daily interactions in society, and it’s making more socially inept men beta males who are scared to interact with select people in our society. This is really bad and there is no real definition of what is creepy because the goal post moves depending on how you look, how much swag you have, and 2 people can do exactly the same things, but only 1 of them can be perceived as creepy by our judges. When it comes to not wanting to be creepy, to women specifically, most men completely avoid all interaction with women entirely, to not seem creepy and to avoid real repercussions for coming off as creepy. Well, the team, and I, found ourselves at a cross roads, of not trying to look creepy due to the rise of a special kind of traveling man today, who clearly is being creepy, mostly, per their own admission in videos on social media- and it infuriates those just wanting to be by alone while traveling to self reflect for the better. The clowns have people out here looking at us like we are all Jeffrey Dahmer. On the flip side, it is silly how those creepy guys’ travel is identical to how many women travel, and women are in glorified in movies, media and social media – like in the Hedonism link- celebrating how women move exactly the same as that creepy traveling group of men. Personally, I hate being mistaken for a bunch of traveling men who are call themselves “Passport Bros“, not because of what others say about them, but because of what THEY SAY THEMSELVES!!! These guys don’t use travel to enhance their lives, they leaned into the creepy things others said of them, and instead of just moving in silence, decided to weaponize their exploits overseas, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY THEY’RE CALLED CREEPY!!!! If you listen to most of these guys, it’s hard to argue against that claim though, so I know I don’t want to look this way when I’m out and about, but I’ve seen a lot of odd behavior, aimed towards me, while traveling. I recently started getting INTERROGATED, when out and about traveling, by other travelers whom I DON’T START CONVERSATIONS WITH, and many times, they’re out there solo like I am. You think I’m BSing you? Look here, it’s an updated version of Kweens harassing Black men who they suspect are passport bros. The previous 3 videos I shared, they’ve been removed from internet, but there are MANY more since I reported this. Kweens are finding and harassing Passport Bros and anyone suspected of being one, and they’re getting in our faces. I’ve said this many times, people didn’t beliee, now we have it. I’m going to start recording too! These are auntie types, who don’t want Black men to go get options in other women, but who disrespect and emasculate Black men at every turn to try to starved them into desperation. Here is another updated version of it, an AFRICAN auntie going to Brasil to harass Black men on vacation. There are thousands of such women. I caught a broad taking pics of me trying to capture my face clearly, in the airport recently, and. it was so obvious it was offensive. I bet I’m on a pervert site now in a Passport Bros bashing site. They all ask my stupid things like “why are you here?” or “why are you by yourself?” type questions- micro-aggressions. They mind as well just ask me “why are you being creepy by doing whatever you’re doing, ignoring me and enjoying your life without being fixated on me and my hobby, my face?” I told you in other posts, a lot of women call men creepy just for doing solo travel, I watched/listened to it happen quite a few times. This is not a good look when people just get to call you creepy just for existing. For starters, I’ve been out here traveling for most of my life, getting paid to do it, and I have my receipts, some have even posted on this site for years. This site is not about what Passport Bros are doing, this is about traveling, getting out of your comfort zones, and if you don’t want to deal with annoying people, go do some solo travel and meet people from elsewhere. I don’t tell men, who can’t get coitus in the USA, to go out to foreign countries to get coitus, that’s NOT our mission statement over in these parts of the woods! To each his own, but in my camp, you need to up your game and do better, or to side-step all this garbage and go learn to be a better person for yourself, mainly and ignore all that does not benefit you (preferred method)! We teach here, some of your lack of progress is due to YOUR behavior, but the other side isn’t checking for you since they have opportunities thrown at them at every turn and feel they don’t need you because they have money now. Look through this site, nowhere are there instructions to go do sex tourism. Sex causes problems, anywhere it is introduced, why should you go pay for it anywhere? That’s what most Passport Bros do, pay for sex tourism, and pretend they do not do it, and the pretending not to do it part, that’s the part that also annoys me. I would tell buddies to go travel and they never wanted to go when I mention that there not hordes of chicks available to have coitus with, at the destinations I mention. I didn’t know (initially) why these guys wouldn’t want to go there themselves, or with the team, but now I know, as a new movement was springing up, and I learned they didn’t want to admit that they were a part of that movement. I finally realized what was happening with my buddies, they want to go to places where sex is guaranteed, provided you have money to travel and trick. #TravelToTrick Another major hurdle is getting guys to travel when most guys don’t even know where to start to get a passport, thus don’t have one. I’m out here telling guys to be solo travelers, and they’ve been rejecting doing this for decades, but half of the reason is because many guys don’t know how easy it is to get a passport. 🤦🏽♂️ With buddies, we will all huddle, tentatively agree to go somewhere, then we find out that so-and-so doesn’t even have a passport, he only flies ladies out to visit him (FLEW’D out), or thinks he can get a passport in a few hours. Side note, if you’re or another culture, and think this is gross , know you’re not alone, and anytime you see Cardi B. or Meg the Stallion being promoted anywhere, it’s promoting this FLEW’D OUT culture. Remember, Cardi B. drugs and rapes men, per her own words in this BBC article. Pretty disgusting right? Well regular men are the men she drugged and raped, or the men these ladies are using to get flew’d out and paid, because the men are pathetic and desperate single mother raised males and as outlined in that link, the worst thing to happen to Black men is being raised by single Black women- no hate- it’s been known and studied for 4 decades now. Many of my friends are these people, desperate men, which complicates travel, because these men are techs, financial experts, engineers, truck drivers, all ranges of men, but they’re “average” appearing to women in Western society, which is primarily the problem, and why it’s a problem to get them to travel just for THEMSELVES, and not for disgusting reasons. It sounds so dumb but it’s true. I’ve (historically) faced an uphill battle trying to convince this lot that they should get passports to travel, for years, but suddenly they all came back BRAGGING that they had their passports? Read the posts I’ve made, I couldn’t get ANYONE to go anywhere!!!! I originally couldn’t figure out WTF was there to brag about, like it was some major accomplishment in life, to just get a passport. Why the SUDDEN flip to rush to get passports out of nowhere? I originally thought it was because Covid was coming to a close, or nobody cares anymore again- although now we have resurgence of POLIO and NY declared a state of emergency due to people eating booty from the byke,… in the rain!! PERVERT! 🫵🏽

Now, I’m hearing friends, and other people I don’t know, coming out of the woodworks to express that they now have love for travel, especially other Black men, which meant to me, something was afoot, for the worst. Initially, dudes suddenly expressing interest in travel, made me happy; however, when I asked them about places that they should have seen while in the locations that they all said they went to, these guys were clueless about my locations I asked about, and had not gone. Yet, the places I mentioned were the highlights of the countries they visited and they didn’t know them! 🤔 I thought they went to these locations? I pulled some of their cards, asking them to show me proof of passport stamps, WHICH THEY ALL PRODUCED FOR ME! I was hella confused at that point, how do you go to these places and never hit the most interesting locations about said places? That was highly suspicious! One by one, each guy I questions about their travels, I realized that something was seriously missing in their explanations, actual sightseeing! Then I realized a pattern with men I knew, and men I would overhear in passing, they all were frequenting the very same countries: COLOMBIA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC or BRASIL! I’d ask a guy “how’d you find Sugarloaf” and he’d answer “nah, son, I’m on a diet” 🤡 or something else dumb. These are men who don’t even know each other, largely, so how is it that these 3 places are where all of these men are overly passionate about going? Sounded fishy! I started to not like the idea of this sudden rush of Black guys getting passports, especially after I learned they were going to these places like 5 times a year, over and over, yet had nothing amazing to share about the cultures and what they learned there. And I didn’t get to know about this stuff, earlier, because my “buddies” were lying to me about what they were up to, not sharing with me what they were initially really doing in this countries, because they KNEW I WOULD CLOWN THEM AND JUDGE THEM HARSHLY. So, they conspired to exclude telling me about them being Passport Bros. Why would they be scared to tell me? So, I didn’t learn of Passport Bros from friends. It only became really clear what they were, and what they were doing, at a BBQ place with a bar I was at, with a date, and we were talking about places she and I had traveled. She was really interested in things I was saying because she was wanting to take her trips to another level and do some great photography to convey what she saw! At another table over, was a group of guy doing guys stuff at the bar, and it’s hard to work on dates effectively while guys are nearby doing guy stuff, because the image of all the things we do wrong will flash right before her eyes and negatively steer her mind to the bullsh!t toxic masculinity/anti-male rhetoric you hear today. I guess I have a look to me that other dudes can’t believe can pull the kind of ladies I am seen with, which creates jealousy and animosity, at times. Comments dudes make let me know, they’re haters, mostly because I say clever things masked in clever humor, and the ladies agree- and these bums can’t do that to entertain a woman in their company. It’s not my looks, it’s I guess what one would chop up to “swag”. This happens, A LOT to me. Alas, SHE insisted we go get a drink there, so we did. And I saw her doing odd mannerisms covering her mouth in “OMG” fashion over what she overheard them say, trying to be distracted, so I started to pay attention to their nonsense. She repeated to me what those guys were saying about traveling- no bueno. She noted that because I was showing her photos, those guys saw that and they started talking about travel too. So they were listening in on us, as well, the whole time, but were attempting to undermine the kind of travel I was talking about. Some of the guys didn’t have passports, but SUDDENLY VOWED to get one the next day after their talks. 🤣 The rest though, were mostly trying to travel to get away from some baby mama, wife, forget some ex-girlfriend, had no new ladies on deck or in sight and needed some booty badly. The guys who did travel, started to make the travel sound like a “nose-thumbing” to women in the West, and I started to overhear talk that was impacting my ability to court this young lady, that’s what pissed me off. Someone mentioned “that guy’s wasting time an money like a dumb ass on that B**(h” but he could have been talking about any number of dudes in the place with ladies though, so I didn’t take it personally. It was clear that these guys were frustrated with women in the USA, which is a common sentiment and I can share some of that frustration, but this was a different spin I was hearing, almost Incel levels. These guys also wanted travel to do things out of the jurisdiction of the US Authorities, which I thought was interesting. They referred to themselves, and people like themselves, as “Passport Bros” and being them being “up“, as they cheered. BAM! First time I heard it as a name. So, officially it was coming together, what this Passport Bros movement was about, for me. They were openly bragging about going to get hookers to bang in these countries, sharing hookers, and possibly, underaged women (a joke came up about it and the guys said he doesn’t check cedulas). One guy was bragging about banging many women on a boat, so this enticement prompted the others to immediately announce that they were getting passports ASAP. NOW the heat came on me, because my date started to question me about whether I was out there like those guys, in places paying for hookers too. It started as a joke to me, then it turned into accusations – typical women of color behavior. That was IT for me, I saw that dating sinking because she went to pre-recorded hive-mind mentality and executed an endless stream of baseless claims from her female database of talking point babble known as Superfluous Querulous Language (SQL) stored procedures, she hijacked the conversation with an SQL injection!😖

To have to defend the travel I do for fun, simply because I’m a man, due to guys like that, is UNHEARD OF! So I asked my date if that was what SHE was out there doing in travel, paying for sex and hooking up with random local dudes in her trips she took- and she became suddenly infuriated with me for asking her the same question she asked me, after I answered her – AMAZING how conversation is offensive to people who are not conversing with you, but rather are making statements towards you masked as conversation, because they don’t want you to return the volley. I also countered her with facts about women who are flying for sex too, which she didn’t believe at all, although SHE KNEW WHAT BEING FLEW’D OUT was and said she was on trips where all of her girls who had men where cheating on trips, and tried to get her to cheat with them- yeah right, chick, you were cheating right along with them. Getting flew’d out is -DUH- flying for sex, just DOMESTICALLY, not INTERNATIONALLY!!!! She was so one-sided in just about anything we talked about that night, which is very common today, but she reduced me to being a passport bro😒, despite clearly seeing the difference between my travels and theirs. That took the cake for me and I ended the date shortly after, politely. She went on the offensive AFTER HEARING THESE GUYS TALK, out of nowhere and that was the catalyst. Now, THAT was a waste of a time, ultimately, as those guys said, so we did not have a follow up date (I declined), but THAT was the very moment that I realized that “Passport Bros” label must be clearly defined for people, to ensure their actions are completely separated from the rest of us men who like to travel, for OURSELVES, and to see the world, like an Anthony Bourdain- minus his lady dramas he defeated the entire purpose of travel, by entertaining the nonsense of! Oh, my “date” had admitted her ex flew her out initially, which is how she got to NY in the first place. 🫵🏽🤦🏽♀️🤡 She clearly supported the GOVERNMENT-ISSUED ID BROS tho. 🤣 Now, the Black community has many people who are lovers of travel, many mainly due to trying to show off on social media while they go broke, females primarily. A few years ago, as I pointed out in this last post, our lovelies were going to the news publications to complain that they couldn’t find love in the USA, and that Black men were too lame for them (e.g., don’t have rapper/baller money, are not 6’9″ tall, don’t have an expensive European car, hottest women don’t all want him, don’t have d1(k for days, don’t want to be polygamous for their so their wives/fiances/mothers of their kids can bang other men ). Their stories are posted in major publications, and are on TV constantly, since Oprah days, and it’s part of enlightenment for them to go overseas to find love (get banged by Captain Phillips looking dudes) because there are no good men in the West. So what really made no sense, initially, was this recent backlash from Black women about Black men who suddenly wanted to do the same thing they were doing, since these men are not desired by Black women, AS STATED BY BLACK WOMEN OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, based on what they’re saying and all these publications about how Black women have been trying to find foreign men for YEARS to escape Black men! How hypocritical, right? I started seeing many videos of women of color attacking MEN who wanted to get their passports to travel to find love just as those ladies were doing. A while ago, one lady dropped the bomb on me though, she revealed that many women have been going overseas being nasty in travels, YEARS prior and it never slowed down, despite what women today are pretending isn’t happening! We also know that women who are married or in committed relationships are going overseas and cheating, as well as doing it locally, because women are more likely to get bored with sex and start cheating! Read from reputable outlets like here from back in the days, and here and here from recent times. That data is out there, written by women, encouraged by women, for women! All those old lies about women being so innocent are over, reality is being reported now and this is having an impact on men who were told they were pervs and CREEPY this whole time. Women are equal to men, and it is definitely being exposed today. The same people telling you don’t body shame women are promoting body shaming of men as a female empowerment tool, as Billie Ellish does so openly to not date UGLY men. Wonderful. Equality.
I started seeing women doing “do as I say, not as I do”, which is an emasculation technique, and this is how they operate today, thus the shaming of Passport Bros as it’s done today. So, putting ladies on some pedestal, where they’re above criticism in the West, is the worst error men can ever do because you’re clearly not listening to what women are telling you, as a man, what they desire for you to understand about them. If you listen, you also hear a lot of hateful, privileged Western women talking very negatively about innocent, foreign women in all the countries that these Passport Bros were getting passports to travel to, and that is really disgusting to hear said by ladies of other ladies, and most of it is sexist/racist things. So when trying to defend Passport Bros, originally, I was like “WTF???!! No, you have that wrong, these guys are moving to other countries, starting BUSINESSES and traveling to expand life for themselves“. These ladies easily countered me with scores of YouTube channels of these Passport Bros talking about banging women on first nights and going to dive bar spots where you can pick up and bang ugly community poon for less than a cup of coffee a day, like a UNICEF commercial for booty. Passport Bros ruined the Passport Bros image for me,… or rather, the Passport Bros ruined anything related to what they’re doing, by just talking. They were NOT going overseas to find love, they were going overseas to buy coitus from prostitutes in impoverished nations, and their own countless, braggadocious videos claimed this!!!!🤦♀️. The ideas behind what the Passport Bros are about is not new, just now there is a newer audience, a wider audience, a dangerous audience, armed with credit cards and mounds of debt- OR- a population not burdened with kids, baby mamas or wives, thus have a LOT of discretionary income to do whatever the hell they want to do with it!!! I thought these Passport Bros were about traveling to find themselves and it turns out they’re traveling to pay for coitus just like Western women are doing out there! You’ll hear guys proudly bragging about getting their passports more passionately than getting an actual goddamn job or a college degree, which is even more suspicious and desperate looking! 😒 Why? And you have to see these dudes, they’re looking like crackheads landing in this countries. Look at this bum HERE, he can pay for a flight, expensive headphones, but he doesn’t CUT HIS HAIR to meet a woman in Brasil? You think he is TRYING with American women if he won’t even try to look presentable a trip overseas to meet his potential future wife? Is he trying to marry a homeless Brasilian chick? See what I mean? Garbage dudes with ZERO Game. True, they’re doing what women have been doing forever, difference being that ONLY the Passport Bros are talking too much about that sexual escapades overseas, while ladies are trying to pretend to be innocent but they’re spreading those cheeks for 3rd world men they can exploit, and 30+ year old women are getting sex from young, attractive men they cannot get the equivalent of, in the USA! They’re equally as disgusting as Passport Bros! I simply say, “hey, since 1998, our women have been traveling to do oochie coochie with men in the Caribbean and it was celebrated with a hit movie HOW STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK“. Female, Black sex tourism has always been in our faces, flaunted as a solution to these dysfunctional women who can’t get or keep a man in the USA. This movie was EXACTLY what Black women did to Black men, historically, while sitting here today complaining that Passport Bros are doing NOW to Black women. Before all this announced PASSPORT BROS talk, BLACK WOMEN were all over the media trying to get themselves African and Caribbean men, having full panels on this, even promoted by their top publications – which equal propaganda to influence this mindset- yet everyone traveled and nobody produced any marriage or business so what are you doing with these men? Black women were out there FIRST talking about bypassing African American men, who are too lame for them, PUBLICLY! Those women are as pathetic as these Passport Bros, and it still is celebrated by Black women to be perverts overseas. This isn’t something Black men started, but it is something Passport Bros intend to finish! CRICKETS from detractors when you bring this up! Pot calling the kettle black, that’s the pushback to what these Passport Bros are doing because we pedestalize women and pillory men for the same actions women do- no it’s worse, these ladies are going overseas to bring back foreign men be fathers to kids of bastard kids from failed American relationships, and we make movies and TV shows based on it. Passport Bros don’t have this privilege nor dynamic, most men don’t even have kids!🤔 The Sisterhood Propagandist Terry McMillan wrote the book that the movie is based on, and SHE was wanted to hit out at Black men whom she couldn’t get, in the USA, so she went overseas to get a Jamaican rent-a-rasta dude- who turned out to be GAY, and took her money in divorce. Black women have BEEN doing what Passport Bros have done and still continue to do so. The anger you see at Passport Bros is because Passport Bros are getting all of the attention, and not these women with a movement to go get non-African American men, to make a social statement like this woman does. That’s the part I find hypocritical, complaining about what those guys are doing, because all Kweens did/do is throw in the faces of all Black men that they can get some poor, African, to be with- where they get an emasculated, broke, traditional African man that they dominate, displaying the very traits about Black women that Passport Bros cite is not attractive about Black women. Advantage Passport Bros! It also doesn’t help that the women talking about Passport Bros are perverts going to have sex overseas, are the same women who sell their booty on ONLYFANS and they’re selling their sexuality, like Richelle Gemini and who get FLEW’D OUT to have sex! So, let me get this straight, some horny guy can fly you Kweens out to bang you, domestically or internationally, but that same can’t fly himself to a foreign country and bang someone else? Oh, ok, I see the grift! 🤡 And all advertisers know that women selling sex travel, who are American, are part of marketing strategies, because young women are easily impressionable so copy this, under the guise of PHLEGMINISM. Pure hypocrites! 🫵🏽🤦🏽♀️🤡

So when I started hearing about guys bragging that they got their 1st passports after 35 years of age, I died in laughter! CLOWNS! 🤡 It is so annoying how time and time again, I learned the sole reason behind the Passport Bros movement was to chase coitus overseas for a cheaper price point than in the USA. Prior, guys were going to Vegas for the same thing, just only needed a driver’s license to drive/fly there to go trick. Of course, not all of them, but most of them are trying to get coitus. Take a look at the pictures they come back with, ask them to show you, 99.999999999% of their pictures are of random ladies of the night and .0000001% are of scenery of the foreign country they went to, which is likely only because they were secretly photographing some lady. 🤣 Look here, scores of videos made public showing you exactly what they’re down there doing! And look here, at this guy, making no bones about what he is there to get, “professional” women. This dude can’t get a haircut or brush his damn face??? He’s not even trying to look appealing to ANY WOMAN anywhere, so do you think he’s there for a wife? Here is a guy who is popular for street meat ladies, and he works with these ladies and has a shop in Sosua. He’s the poon Plug when you want to go down to DR and get booty. Look at the 3 countries he wants to operate in (DR, BRASIL, COLOMBIA)! hmmm Suspicious or not? You think he is wanted in the USA? I mean by ladies, not the law. Fix your teeth and brush your damn face WTF!🤣 I travel, so I see the dudes who will be his “clients”, when I’m out and about. They start talking to me about “where the whoras as?” I listen in on what they’re saying when they mistake what I do for what they’re doing. They just start talking to me about sexual exploits of ladies and nobody asked them to do this. It’s annoying! You want to talk business, COOL, photography, life.. cool… but to just start conversations out of nowhere talking about banging street walkers??? Really?? WTF. It’s pathetic. I’ve heard/seen it for decades! The difference with guys today is that they’re so much more sinister in their intents and today’s Passport Bros are complaining they cannot get stable/consistent relationships from ladies in the USA, which is a highly common issue for 90% of the male population in the Western world. Today, people are hiding their “progression” to hide their complete failure to acquire a man of merit who wants to marry her, hiding behind propaganda talking points: “goals in life” and “education” and “he’s intimidated because I have a job”. Garbage excuses for women being so LAME, as a woman, so they get propagandized to say this stuff as a coping mechanism because nobody finds them desirable outside of sexually. Well guys have seen that if they’re not the hottest men, they’re not getting wives, and surely those this group of ladies, thus we have the problem now. The people like this are like that because of their over inflated egos due to empty social validation on social media with female thirst trapping, over sexualized, materialistic ladies posting on social media to get constant attention.. that and the fact that most of those women want the very same type of man every other woman suddenly wants today, and those guys have no value in society other than their looks/sex, these ladies know this, know he isn’t going to be faithful, knows he doesn’t want her for anything but sex, is irresponsible, is inconsiderate and isn’t, or will not be, devoted to his kids or that woman. Still, this hottest/coolest guy has been made more important that he really is, due to women artificially inflating his value over physical attributes (e.g., over 6’2″ tall, 6 pack, blah blah blah)- men like IME UDOKA the Boston Celtic coach with a bunch of women who had no respect for his woman, Nia Long, when they cheated on their own husbands with him, including the wife of a Celtics VP’s WIFE!! BTW, passport bros say Black women are fat, which statistically is true, but Passport Bros are not allowed to demand in shape women, like women get to demand of men. Passport Bros are a response to what they’ve been subject to for years. Women want that playboy guy, not Passport Bros, and in that regard, I agree with the Passport Bros, because even Nia Long had his babies without any commitment from such a bum who would string her along and never marry her (fake engaged to her for a decade). However, 2 years go, Nia Long, IN BLACK WOMEN MAGAZINES, said she doesn’t want marriage, which is empowerment today, yet had the cheater’s babies and is currently engaged to him? Nobody wants Mia Long’s broke version on the streets, who wasted her best years with a bum just because he is cute and shoots up her club. Passport Bros are correct there, this is very common to have seemingly good women bending over backwards for the cool/bad guys who take a dump on them, and it makes women very unattractive to good men. My counter to Passport Bros- then why are you not going for average looking women in America, like you’re going for those ugly women in the foreign countries? As clearly pointed out to me, as a retort to that, EVEN AVERAGE WOMEN DO NOT WANT AVERAGE MEN AS DEMONSTRATED HERE WITH DATING APP DATA. I had to think about that because I SEE that all the time, personally, in my dating efforts. Really below average women get dirty coitus from loser men but they don’t care like the guy doesn’t care, but these women think they’re hot then too, and a “3” is suddenly a “10” in her head. The 3s in looks think they deserve a top 10% man, and Passport Bros can’t even get THAT 3 lady because she is trying to land a top 10% man. I’ve experienced some subpar ladies who I thought would pan out, but all they were, were corporate employees in life, baby mamas with annoying kids,… That part is TRUE that Passport Bros note. That is sad, all around, but this is something most men have to deal with head on, you don’t go RUN AWAY like cowards then go “na na na na naaa” thumbing your nose at ladies. WTF I can say from experience, most women want a minority of men men, who with basic requirements met of ladies, but that’s only 14.5% of the US population, which is even slimmer when they add additional qualifications from their “dating requirements lists”. Passport Bros are non-select men, but they should know that women just blab things and don’t mean it, statistically can’t even get men like that, and thus, they have to back down eventually. Reality slaps our women in the mouth very quickly. If you are acting weak, you’re going to get disrespected by these women. Passport Bros cite that women cheat on them, left and right, more than men, which is backed by years of gender study, mainly because women in relationships are easily bored, so want to be entertained and want more coitus… from different men. Ok, that’s true, but there are large segments of the female population who HATE these kinds of women, thus are not these women! Cheating is just part of empowerment today which is why more men today are virgins, than are women, so find someone not altered by sisterhood propaganda. This is what drives girls trips of women who are in relationships, and many of these ladies have their passports to thot it up overseas so nobody knows- and MANY are doing it so it’s mutually assured destruction if any lady snitches on another lady! Sister code and women ALWAYS LIE to fake validate other women, like how 1 woman today will never say another woman is ugly! 🤣These are unfair realities between the sexes as female privilege far trumps the male privilege in the West, but due to pedestalization of women, want to pretend that we’re not doing with human beings! True equality is understanding that we are all human beings, socialized in ways that each are subject to scrutiny and observation. So dudes today are frustrated about how they’ve been lied to about the innocence of women, then go all out, obsessed with getting even with women in their own echo chambers of pathetic reinforcement, which is what this Passport Bros movement has spawned from and turned into! I guess traveling for coitus is better than being an INCEL, but it’s like in the same class to me, UNLESS you’re talking about taking a wife and making a family that lives abroad in that foreign country. So if you hate this group, just don’t talk to them, and stay off their Onlyfans pages!

It’s not only Black men having this Passport Bros issue though, which is crazy. I do have a few proteges and friends who specifically want a solid family structure, so that they can have purpose in life, pass on legacy, and the majority of these proteges are from Asia, or are Asian Americans. For Asian Americans to have the same complaints as all the other men in the USA, that is a big problem, in my eye, especially since my guys are telling me that Asian men can’t even get the ugliest Asian woman anymore. I completely ignored that comment, initially, and just figured they’re shy and are not too lady focused, but it turned out all they were complaining to me about was actually true. ASIAN MEN ARE THE LEAST DESIRED MEN PER ALL DATING APPLICATIONS’ stats! WTF?! So many of those guys, or at least the ones who have American citizenship/Green cards, are now joining the Passport Bros movement, as a result! There are huge problems in India and China, due to shortage of women to marry, as both countries used to kill the girl babies, which backfired bigtime today. That has led to over inflated importance of women there, due to demand for these ladies, and these dudes are taking getting flew’d out to extreme lengths in a bad way, kidnapping women from other countries. That’s not a lie and not my opinion, this is documented in INDIA for decades, and in China, the demands of women of men are incredibly over inflated– and a guy who makes as much as the women demand ($8million a year) don’t need to beg for women. So my Asian dudes are telling me that America poisoned their countries and guys are getting played over there, even in marriages that the parents set up. This is a problem that apparently spans the globe,….. except for Latin America, Thailand and Philippines??? hmmm 🤔According to Passport Bros, these are the destinations that have the only good women to exist in the world, currently. Asian men also are getting more and more pissed over Asian women going to other races! Asian men are furious but don’t have a voice, mostly their faults for not being more vocal, but Asian women are getting heat from Asian men because they’re the most popular woman to date in the USA. Asian men are ready to find other options because they’re being deserted fast by their ladies, so the next great influx to the Passport Bros movement is Asian men. Passport Bros say they have to go overseas because Passport Bros can’t even get DATES in the USA but then these dudes turn around and get catty like little girls, throwing it in the faces of women in USA, on social media, that they’re traveling overseas to be pervs? Really, dummies? Why expose your plot and show your hand so early to ladies when they’ve kept it secret all these years that they did the very same things, and worse getting pregnant by random bums overseas, and only recently started getting exposed due to the Internet? That’s bad strategy if you make women the enemy with your movement, because they’ll always figure out a way to put the kibosh on your plans. Fam, socially awkward, moron, Passport Bros look like clowns celebrating like they got a superbowl victory, for just going to the post office to start a process to get a passport. LAME! Why does some woman overseas want THAT kind of dude? No wonder they don’t respect men who travel, these guys are making us look bad. But Passport Bros are sitting here overpraising things that are average overseas like they’re the hottest thing since sliced bread. As the Passport Bros movement picked up, which is to say as Black and Latinos now learned the power of travel, I heard many more dudes, in passing, on the streets mentioning their exploits in foreign countries with poor women, like common discussion. It just sounded GROSS and it came together for me, “oh, these guys are paying for sex overseas, where it is also illegal, but they’re pretending like they’re doing modern dating there, which makes it look like it is not prostitution!” It is an interesting play they’re doing on dating really being nothing but prostitution today, no matter where you do it today. That’s exactly what MOST are doing, they are paying for ladies’ time while they are abroad traveling, getting sex, and then bragging online and in streets that they don’t need women here in USA, or Europe, because these men travel for sex. That’s the tiny part that makes me lend support to Passport Bros, because other men have done it forever, including women of all races, and nobody bats and eye until Black and Latinos now want in on the perv action. Women doing this, can get local coitus just by offering in the USA, yet they STILL go overseas for dingaling. At least the Passport Bros legitimately can’t get sex because of many reasons already outlined. How is it that only they are seen as losers? I can see WHY they are doing it, they’ve no value to our overpriced ladies. The problem with that is none of these Passport Bros will admit that they’re traveling for only for sex because they cannot get some coitus here in the USA; however, just listen to them, they’re clearly telling you that Passport Bros are PAYING FOR SEX IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, under the guise of male empowerment and lack of respect from Western women, of men. Well, that’s pretty sneaky. When I hear Passport Bros speak, they sound like R.Kelly in this video here about getting your passport. Look how perverted it FEELS.

An interesting thing about many of these Passport Bros is that they’re young boys, in their 20s, saying things that many 40+ year old men have been saying for years. That is NOT a good sign for the West. Old guys have been Passport Bros for decades and have been out there being pervs for years, but many of them had money by the time they got all pervy overseas, and they stayed in the shadows so that negative stereotypes mostly didn’t apply because there were codes to traveling abroad. Young boy Passport Bros have no codes, which is the biggest problem. I was in a bar and I heard dudes talking about baby mama drama tales and how they made their baby mamas jealous by bragging about being a Passport Bros, going overseas and knocking down ladies of the night in dirty cantinas and discos, left and right. I actually stopped one dude in his tracks (he was directing that garbage talk towards me because I was with a lady friend and there were not) at a sports bar, and told him that he needs to chill immediately because if that baby mama finds out that he is trying to travel the world, and he missed ANY payment or there is any error in child support, she can get that passport revoked!!! He didn’t believe me, refused to believe me, I showed him how to do a simple google search and he was mortified and offended of the power of women. LOOOOL Baby mamas have power in the USA! They can EASILY have the court invalidate your passport for delinquent payments, to ensure you are not trying to abandon your responsibilities, by hiding out overseas! You can read about family law on this here, where it says “child support”. You think it’s a game? Look up what your state say about your right to travel versus child support. Here is an excerpt highlighting the point that you cannot even GET a passport if you owe over 2.5k:
That dude snapped, he owed money, but luckily already had his passport- likely, he spent that money on trips to Colombia and Brasil. 😒 So, if his baby mama knew about this, she could drag him to court and get that passport revoked or just make a false battery claim, which is very common. If this Passport Bros movement continue to attack Black women, how long until she gets indoctrinated by the Sisterhood propaganda and they tell her get his passport revoked??? DUMB GUYS!!! That guy Christopher Christensen, was a 51 year old married elementary school Principal who took his own life because his wife made a FALSE POLICE REPORT SAYING HE PHYSICALLY ABUSED HER AND ENDANGERED THEIR CHILD, just to piss him off. He checked out of life after 20 years of marriage and their daughter told the true story, so this is where we are a men, abuse of privilege by females, even your own WIFE! His daughter proved that wife was physically abusive and destroyed cars, which made the daughter call the cops on her mom! Passport Bros know ALL the dangers of Western women, and even your wife will use the unfair law against a man to destroy him in front of his kids, to his family, to his community, kids at his school, and the world. 😯 So, I reminded that guy that he should not be bragging about such things openly, or online, because it’s a very common thing to get your life destroyed by someone because she knows there is no consequence for false claims made by any woman in the West, and that he was playing a very dangerous game if she found out. You can get your damn USA drivers license revoked for failure to pay child support too. Why don’t these clowns know that? This dummy told me that women don’t know about that, and he is an idiot because there are multiple videos of women telling these guys that their baby mamas will ensure that those passports get revoked! Women are very aware of what’s going on and if you poke the bear, they will attack. So, what do these dudes do? They poked the bear, they throw in the faces of the women that they can go get women overseas, and then women respond in kind . Look at this crazy women responding to Passport Bros. Or like here and here and here where the guy in that video probably needs to go buy himself some coitus because I know he ain’t getting nothing stateside. A lot of animosity out there over Black guys discovering the ability to travel. I let that dude know that they’re going to hate you just because you have options, so don’t underestimate ladies of our culture. I showed him this lady here, calling white men “racists” because that white guy went to 50 dates having coitus with 50 ladies but he did not bother to have coitus with any Black women! She attacked that guy for having preference, which is what most people have, but to women, a man does not have the right to like what he likes or he is a racist or misogynist or a colorist (who hates his Black mama) and she decided to make this viral!? You think she won’t do this to you the same way? 🤦🏽♀️ This lets you know how much some people idolize others so much, post-slavery, that even something as disgusting as this, they want want to be included in his long line of ladies he scraped in each state. Begging white men to date them is some really low *ish, and then shaming them by bullying them to date you? Even more disgusting. Make that make sense to me! Just like Lizzo sexually harassing Chris Evans, publicly, then kip syncing “The reason I’m upset about this one is because I know I’m not gonna be able to marry him, and honestly, it hurt me to the core. Because damn papa, he a rare breed, no comparing. Like, Chris…“. She knows she’s not on his level, but she will go get some someone who has looks similar, likely one who is broke, I promise you. Her comment though, sad and depressing but is what many subpar women like her feel, and they just sit back hoping one of the hottest guys wants them for a night. Lizzo could have a million average guys, on her physical level, but she is not INTO THEM, they disgust her and her ego will no allow it. Low key, this was her attempt to shame Chris Evans for not dating her. Nobody needed to know she “drunk DM’d” him and that’s worse sexual harassment to publicly expose him like this to force him to respond or he looks like a jerk. Your broke versions of Lizzo also demand a man on Captain America’s level, and if Lizzo can’t even get him, why do they think they can? What the Passport Bros really need, is the get together to help pass laws to bring balance in America, to make life better for themselves. That’s why it pisses me off that they run like wimps, rather than taking their huge numbers to change American for the better. To real men, these are weaklings because of this reason. You stand and fight here, NOT run to buy booty and complain over there!

I travel. I’ve been traveling for a long time, I had a passport since a child. WTF are these grown men bragging about? I do NOT travel to go find love, and neither are these Passport Bros, let’s be clear. There are many men telling you to get out of the USA to get a wife, and I personally think this is a flawed strategy unless you plan to set up your life by going to that country where she is and setting up shop THERE. There are many men from the Western world, of all races/ethnicities, who are looking abroad to find women, but doing that is clowned by Western women largely, and these men are seen as pathetic and laughed at for pointing out a very valid issue. Meanwhile women are celebrated and praised if they do the same thing. It is amazing the sexist double standard that exists, but it is made worse by the desperation the men are exhibiting when seeking to find “love” overseas. The fact that most of them are not producing marriages from these travels to find love, that is what’s giving away what’s really happening overseas! Those old guys who have been out in those placed, for 20+ years, why don’t they have wives? How come they don’t own businesses out there? If you point this out to these Passport Bros, that you suspect that they don’t have real girlfriends and relationships with these women overseas, and the fact that they see these women only maybe 2 times a year, so it is likely to fail, or isn’t genuine, then you will get ripped to shreds for merely questioning the motive or results behind the current wave of Passport Bros. Recently, I got attacked online, on Instagram, for making a snide comment about some guys who don’t really use travel like it should be used, to relax, to reset, to rewind. Now, to each his own, I get that, but when I start seeing 100s of dudes talking about they’re going to travel to other countries ONLY to get some coitus, I must laugh because that sounds pretty… then coming back bragging like kings, that’s LAME to me. I remember a guy at my job, young guy with a face filled with zits, getting loose women on Tinder the coming to office bragging like that was something. LAME. It’s that very same loser who is not traveling to come back bragging about dirty cooter. And other lame European guys would be cheering him on. When I pointed out how lame that was that he had to get her drunk to enjoy that time together, all the men attacked me. Offices are filled with these losers! You can’t get it with good game, or your looks, then you shouldn’t brag, as a man. I thought to myself “why does one need to travel to another country to get coitus when there are all these available women in the USA just giving away coitus for likes on IG and like the ones this guy hooked up with? Why can’t they just travel to another state and get easy coitus?” All of those dudes are only going to do is end up like that 36 year old Italian guy who went to Spain and came back with Monkey Pox, Covid and HIV from 1 perv sex trip– although, that combination points to a certain different lifestyle, it’s still travel for sexploration. Sounds like that boy was out there getting human centipede’d up!

To each his own, but you’re not honest about why you HAVE TO go overseas. So, when I saw an IG channel to promote men being/doing better, I saw a string of posts about Passport Bros traveling abroad to get coitus, to heal themselves. I realized that this thing was growing like crazy, as I read many back to back to back posts about men bragging about flying to third world countries to have coitus with women they pay to do this activity. Paying for coitus overseas? What? So basically, these men’s support channels on IG are telling guys to do sex tourism, great. And as you read the comments you find them get more and more negative towards regular women in the West, which is not fair given the criteria they list for why they have to go overseas to get women, TO HAVE SEX WITH. WTF?! If you want to make a point about women, call them out, they’re equal to men so they are subject to scrutiny just as men are to all of their complaints. How can some man blame women in the West for making these men go overseas to buy sex from impoverished women? How can someone make another person go pay for prostitution? It sounds so dumb to me. Yes, dealing with women in the West is very taxing, I personally don’t even bother anymore, to be honest, but I’m not going to go exploit some poor lady in another country to pay her $10 for coitus (the rate I saw listed in some IG comments). I had to examine what kinds of things these guys were saying, and I realized that the Travel Bros aka Passport Bros groups are now a bunch of perverts. What I see is a bunch of guys who cannot get ladies in the West, for several reasons such as lack of height, not in good shape, do not have money and lack of conversational skills, which leads to lack of heart to approach women and propose to be in any ladies’ lives here. Yes, the criteria that women in the West have, in order to date most men, is absolutely HORRIBLE today, and the “average” guy is not sufficient to even the ugliest/fattest of most women in the West; however, many of these ladies just give mouth service, and they’re trying to get the hottest guy they can get, although these ladies may not be working with anything themselves. In many cases, these women are as pathetic as they claim these men are, however, because of body parts ladies have, they have more sexual capital (initially) than a man their own age has, up to the age of 30. So if a woman is a 5 and a man is a 5 on the looks scale, a woman will always be able to get more sexual partners than that man, because most men today have zero standards and even if he is considered an 8+ to women (like Captain America), he will STILL have coitus with ladies who are 5s and below. This is called a “Human Jerk Off” which is an undesirable person you’d rather have with than to self pleasure yourself because that’s boring or considered lame. This is what the bulk of ladies on dating apps are there to be, they know this, they’re people with Lizzo’s mentality towards Captain American, hoping a guy with his looks wants to pump and dump her. That’s pathetic and sad. That’s now how women work, thus, Passport Bros don’t meet their standards. 🙄 Another blow to guys is in the UK, they’re trying to make it so that if you try to get a lady’s number in the streets, chatting her up, if you’re UGLY TO HER, she can get a sexual harassment charge for you approaching her and then you will go to jail for 2 years! True story, read here. If things like this pass, everyone is going to be buying booty, become a bunch of phuck-boys or go MGTOW and just abandon these chicks entirely.

That much is true, there are even studies that ask these women on dating apps and these women who are low on looks scales feel they DESERVE men who are 8+, many times because these women claim they make $100k in salary or have a college degree, so they deserve the hottest men the world has to offer. Watch this here, this is not a joke 🤣 So the Passport Bros are saying that they cannot even get THIS over 180lbs (82kg), 5’ (152.4cm) almost 40-year-old lady with kids to consider them for a mate because she eliminates them from start. That’s when I feel a little sympathetic to their complaint, because I do see what they’re saying. Every lady I’ve dated from an app, in recent times, came from HER contacting ME, on Bumble, which women have to get to work for us men to approve and talk to THEM. I thought, “wait, if this woman was worth anything, why aren’t guys in the street taking her off the market? Men talk to women in the streets all the time, so why aren’t they taken?” I realized, these are garbage, leftover picks of women whose time has run out, or are scheduling to get pumped and dumped by me/other dudes. They’re trying to hit the jackpot on these apps and it’s all sexually motivated because you get limited text on a profile. These dudes are upset over THOSE LADIES? You can’t be serious. I think they should be happy she doesn’t want them, so they don’t have to take HER and all her baggage, especially since she really wants Captain America, not YOU. You can get easy booty on Plenty Of Fish, tonight, if you used that app, it’s too easy today- so why can’t Passport Bros use that? I’ve known many older dudes who were Passport Bros way before this current wave, and a lot of them were going to these places being he-h03s in these other countries too. I used to hate seeing them come back and brag to the young boys about ladies they bedded, THAT THEY PAID FOR. When American women hear about the Passport Bros, they laugh, because they immediately start insulting and belittling this group of men because they cannot get women. There is shame, BY WOMEN, of men who cannot sexually objectify women and reduce women to sex for sport. That’s sad that American women do this to these guys, but this is what made these Passport Bros easy to dismiss. However, things have changed too much because many of these young boys today are making good money from their jobs, as opposed to before, where the old wave of Passport Bros were older men who had some money because they were all old and over 40 so they built their wealth and worth and didn’t decide to waste their lives on American women. Today, these young boys are in the 20s talking the same stuff, but they have resources. What has also changed today is that the women cannot insult a lot of these men on their looks, because there are a LOT of Passport Bros doing this so they are immune to shame now! Some of them Passport Bros make Western women mad because those ladies want some of those passport bros for themselves, but these guys are rejecting the Western women for traveling to buy booty. This is the only reason the Passport Bros situation is even getting steam again, that young boys with money and looks and opportunity, are taking their talents elsewhere- though, most of them are ugly dudes with zero game. Well one guy surely got the attention of the ladies this guy here. Now, that has crossed the line for women, when a guy they do want to bed is joining the Passport Bros movement, and now the ladies are coming in angered and it’s an all-out war on these Passport Bros after guys like this joined that movement. That’s removing possible Black families from USA and their resources are going elsewhere, this is not good for US! That’s screwed up! So that’s another complaint of mine, we can’t progress as a race of people, because he’s overseas buying booty. Likely, this whole Passport Bros thing is only pissing women off because of the men they want going to validate what the men they don’t want are saying. Like this guy, ladies HATE him because he can bang most of them here, or overseas. He’s so immature, and can’t even form a proper argument about the many points I make about how he could show how many women are not fit for marriage- but he is not looking for marriage. UDPATE 2023: He’s still a TRUE Passport Bro, thus, he is still exactly as I described them, GOOFY. Let the Black Authority SHOW you better than I can because racist, Afro-Latina feminists (who are pretending to be White women) chased that dude out of Brasil for exploiting ladies.

Here is the problem I see with these current Passport Bros. Some people say these guys don’t have “GAME”, which is ability to lie to women, womanize, play mind games, splurge money on women, dress like you are the rich men that women really want (movie stars, pro athletes, singers, David Copperfield), etc. There are law makers trying to make GAME illegal, meaning you lied to a woman to misrepresent who you are, to get her in bed. Seriously, read here, they’re trying to make GAME a CRIME; however, GAME is what women expect you to have! There is no winning with these ladies and that’s why we preach here, leave it all alone unless you’re ready to dish game, in same spaces! Now, today, women will call the cops on you for trying to talk to them in the street (game), but this is mostly only if you are not physically HOT to her. If you’re sexually appealing to her, she will tend to let you get away with womanizing and telling her all sorts of lies just to score some coitus That is completely acceptable to women in the USA and rest of the West. If you are not hot, if you’re not a “Chad” as they say. But on dating apps, there is no “GAME”, you don’t even get to have a real opener because it’s all visual swipes, you can’t kick game. So, if these guys can’t score on online dating apps or can’t score in person, then GAME cannot be the solution for these guys because you never even get the opportunity to pitch yourself to ladies, as an average looking guy. They can’t get them offline and they can’t get them online for different reasons, with a common denominator being the physical presentation, and “swag” not being desirable to ladies. Having game is not going to save them. The other major thing people say Passport Bros are broke and have no money, which used to be the case years ago, but today, you have credit cards and many of these dudes are making pretty decent money today, especially if they are men who do not have kids with any woman and aren’t losing it in divorce. Like I said earlier though, I know a lot of dudes with decent money and they’re spending it overseas. 52% of Black men, for instance, have never ever married and don’t have kids, so it this leaves a lot of these guys to have discretionary income since they are not bothered by typical roles that society expects them to play as father and husband. Well, if the American Dream is to have a marriage and white picket fence, these Passport Bros are saying they are locked out of the American Dream, because they can’t even land a lady. I can promise you, they’re not even TRYING here in USA!

My main issue with Passport Bros movement is, at the core of it, claiming that more cultured women are overseas. I have many folks in the 3rd world, especially in places like Dominican Republic, and I find it highly disrespectful to hear the Passport Bros dude talk about going down there an doing nasty things to all the women, yet are not coming back saying anything great about the actual culture other than the woman will cook and clean for them. 🤡 THAT infuriates me- but Passport Bros don’t feel that’s disrespectful. That’s the MAIN problem I have with this garbage. First, they’re not just going down there and getting chicks to bed. They’re going to strip clubs and “car washes”, they’re not talking to average women in towns and cities! Why do I know this? Because none of these guys even speak the local language of Dominican Republic (Spanish), so clearly, they’re not speaking to average women on the street- and Dominican Spanish is not easy to understand if you went to a university and studied Spanish. Conjugations and lack of enunciation will BAFFLE you to death- and don’t get me started with people in the campo! Passport Bros are really only praising the culture of the women in this third world, saying these women are more cultural and willing to be subservient to men. Well, how is it that the Passport Bros know this if they don’t speak the language, don’t respect and know the culture well enough, and don’t know anything about the country? How can you deduce this if you don’t LIVE in that country and you just visit? They’re pedestalizing women in the third world, but they ignore the music they can’t understand, such as Bachata, where the men are clearly telling you how terrible these ladies can potentially be for your mental and emotional state! Bachata used to be hated by the dictator Trujillo because it was “street music” that talked about how terrible chicks were, and he didn’t want that to be the view about the women of DR. You were not even supposed to bring your wife to a Bachata show in the beginning, it was so badly talking about how terrible women there were, so clearly, men in the third world have been exposing that their women are not that different from women in the US. What many Passport Bros are mistaking for the good women they claim are so abundant down there, are really good actresses that they pay them for! We call it “going for the Girl Friend Experience” when you go to DR to find a temporary lady and pretend like you’re in love. These women are down there pretending to love these weak men, pretending like they are serious with these men, pretending to care, to enrich themselves. Of course, that is not everyone, but these guys are thinking that they are going to get easy to coitus AND to find a wife. What they are seeing, when observing people they don’t understand, is a lot of the local “couples” are not even married, they’re just living together, have a few kids, and the dude is scraping other ladies on the low. THIS is what these Passport Bros are mistaking for love they think they’re going to be seeing, and dedication from these ladies, but YOU’RE NOT DOMINICAN, COLOMBIAN OR BRASILIAN! They’re claiming they’re going to find a wife from down there, and what they’ll do is sponsor her (pay her an allowance while he is not in Dominican Republic), to keep her on a retainer, expecting that that third world lady is not going to cheat on these guys while they are not down in DR. Anyone thinking that those women are not cheating on them, is a god damn idiot!!!! There are dudes trying to get with her the minute you leave the country, and they specifically want to get pride from bedding your lady while you’re not there to clown you silently when you come back thinking your princess is pure. 🤣 Why do I know? I saw simp going to DR, Brasil, Venezuela, wasting their life’s saving on street walkers. Also, this is a personal issue. to me because my Dominican-born peeps tried to convince ME to take a wife from down there and bring her back here, to the USA, which I entertained for a short time.

Once upon a time, my boys saw me not mentally in the right place, after a breakup of a long-term relationship, many, many years ago. They were telling me that DR is the place to find a dedicated wife that will never leave you no matter how many arguments you have (sound familiar?), “because the women were loyal there”. I, of course, never believed it because if you’re not on the ground with your eyes on the woman and how she is operating, well “out of sight out of mind” is how I see it, so you really can’t trust anyone you don’t observe in person for a period of time- and even that doesn’t work 100% just like here in USA. I entertained it though, mostly because, I DID NOT TRAVEL MUCH AT ALL but wanted to finally, and I only wasn’t into travel because the ex-chick didn’t want to travel unless it had a beach attached to it. I was not a true Passport Bro. I was a loser then, for sure. Also, most third world places weren’t so developed either, as you can see from the attached screenshots to this particular blog entry. I’m sharing those because I want you to understand how ‘SIMPLE’ life was back then, although I didn’t have to go to the places I went, I wanted the true hick experience, not to be in the tourist traps. It also wasn’t so popular travel because there was no IG to show off pics with, which is why everyone had video cameras in their hands, to keep for memory, and most people didn’t have unlimited credit card money! That kept a lot of fake Passport Bros limited, which was a good thing, so they didn’t flood every place we went, which is all but erased today. So, I agreed to entertain the idea of finding someone local from DR to marry. Why? Because the elements of what used to make successful marriage were all there:
- Stateside: Male is vetted (job, health, relationship muscle) by peers who are proposing him to the father and mother of the woman local to the country.
- Stateside: Males vetting me were setting up to be married themselves, and we have history where we ran down on multiple opps together, so they could be trusted with my life, and vice versa
- Foreign-side: Female proposed is vetted by same peers, plus her parents, confirming she is a good catch, has family-oriented skills, and gets the blessing to continue if anything serious happens. They will observe her behavior around you, and ensure she is acting right, and will coach her. Formulate is complete, got buy-ins from all to make sure no BS can happen, with eyes especially on me, being the guy from USA.

The stateside peers were My Boys, my riders, people I trust, for more than a decade at that point, who were born and bred in DR (not USA), and they were wanting me to be interested in family members of theirs. These were guys steadying to be married then, who TODAY are still married to the same ladies they were with, back at this time- all Latinas from USA. So, they prove you can get be married to Latinas in the USA- these are older Latinas now, so I don’t know about these young ones today keeping it consistent, the pool has pee now. So, I took these guys seriously with this proposal because I knew how they operated personally, they were serious about their selection in women. I surely couldn’t fail with such backing, but initially they wanted me to pair with a different lady who was really nice looking, but she was for the streets. I observed her when we went out, all the dudes knew her and were snickering- um I’m not a moron, I’ve had that visiting chicks from the hood, in USA, and that means she’s got a body count that includes a lot of dudes, and likely, one of them is watching. I recall one dude keeping tabs on us, in two places we went, I saw him at the second with some guys. She acknowledged him, dude and I just looked at each other, and he left after she said all is good. I told my boy that she’s not a good fit, and he ultimately verified that I was right, so they had their cousin lined up, who was a good match, and the woman’s parents agreed! This was a lock, but this also guaranteed me that the woman would be under close guard of the family, making sure she didn’t stray, as there is pressure to get their daughter married and made an honest woman of. At that time, if you reached the age of 20, and didn’t have kids and man, society would look at you as a thot of sorts, down in DR, so women were eager to be wives. A lot of that comes from a catholic background and commitment to the idea of family, which exists in pockets of the country, but not ALL of the country- despite what these Passport Bros are lying about. Also, many women from these foreign countries actually do not want to come to the USA, little known fact that they would know if they actually were serious about marrying someone from another country because she would tell them this! They don’t want to leave their whole family behind for you. This one I had, she didn’t want to come to the USA at all, didn’t like it, didn’t want to become corrupted like the many women she saw who left DR and then came back to visit like Divas and people devoid of culture. Which means, these women Passport Bros want are not going to want to marry and go back to the USA largely, they want to marry and/or stay in their local countries! NOW THAT is a challenge for most, but it wasn’t for me, I was exploring options to make my money last longer there, and thinking to start some local businesses, at the time. So, I came prepared to see that plan out, which is not what Passport Bros are planning on doing, they’re mostly liars. Ask them about this part, they’re not moving to these countries to start businesses!

These key pieces that were needed to ensure a good pairing, with this woman, were in place, which is how a lot of the world still works, but we call that “arranged marriages” and we frown on that. In place of arranged marriages, we have a bunch of ladies who think they know better and can pick a quality man themselves, without the aid of trusted family and MEN who can see through the BS of other men. The modern women today have all the answers but don’t understand that tradition was used to PROTECT THEM from dumb men. And how are women picking men today, they think they are so smart that they can vet men themselves, but mostly by how her private feels with him, how much other women would want him, or their wallets, and are not using anyone of worth to validate anything. The ignorance is off the chain, but vetting is very important for serious steps in life, which ladies completely ignore today because “that’s the patriarchy”. 😒 Cool, but you thinking you know everything and yet don’t have any results is why this lady is dead after finding a man on Craigslist and traveling from Africa to meet that psycho and nobody in the nation cares. You don’t want to do tradition? Great, then you go risk your life and you pick men to procreate with based on his looks- surely, you’re going to get successful marriages that way. 🤦♀️ We lack a system of checks and balances that your relationship had a peer review performed, to see if that male or female can be flushed out sooner, rather than later, but also to hold these two to high standards by peers, to help ensure that the relationship would last. That shame of failure and pride to be family, used to drive societies. That’s missing today, and Passport Bros are only getting these foreign women from IG/Fakebook, or using hookup culture-driven dating apps for travel sex or a Plug when meeting opportunistic women, they’re not going to find love, find marriage and start families over there. Passport Bros make assumptions about all the women in that foreign country, based on the promiscuous game-girls they meet on these apps that they pay to be with and take photos with. What I didn’t want was to go to DR and just have coitus with a lady for sport, and I knew many, even back then, who did that, which I didn’t like it. I felt it disrespectful to the local culture and families of women’s’ lives you would affect. It creates a bad impression of foreign men going there to do right by themselves, so Passport Bros are destroying that scene for their own perv benefits. It also ruins experiences for local men who now have their women turning into thots and these men can’t compete with a Shake Shack worker guy from USA who flexes his $1k check in DR to buy expensive things for his pay for play lady. I heard many bad stories about Jamaicans from USA going to DR and impregnating women, then deserting them entirely, and many stories like this as soon as people found out I was from USA- people would just throw it out there as you meet them. 🤦🏽♀️

It didn’t feel good to hear such Passport Bros horror stories and it messed up the plans I had. This became the stereotype of men from outside of DR, and it was terrible because it then set up this guy for failure, as taking him for all his money is soon to follow, after women learn they can exploit this kind of guy. I was not interested in coitus for sport, I’m still not interested in it, and the moment it felt like that to me, I told everyone that I was going to drop the whole thing. I could do that stateside if I cared, why would I fly out for that? I told folks, if this lady turns out to be a flake, I’m putting everyone on blast for wasting my time. My career was popping, side jobs popping, degree earned, I was on a roll and wanted to be a decent man, because I’m from old school people! However, I did put myself in the best possible situation to have a wife and possibly family, so I took that opportunity. I hung out with the entire family (mom, dad, bros, cousins, grams) a lot actually because we partied, saw places rarely visited, and ate/lived like locals all the time, modest beginning stuff, simply life, away from the bigger cities. That lady’s niece is my “God Daughter”*. The difference between what I was doing, and the Passport Bros are doing is, I went local, lived as a local and the key to my entertaining such an experiment was THAT I SPOKE SPANISH. Being able to understand Dominican Spanish is not an easy feat, it is really poorly spoken Spanish (only rivaled by Chilean Spanish in my opinion), very fast, no proper annunciation, and in the campo (non-city in the woods way out rural areas) you can barely understand people there and they speak slower- it’s like the Ebonics of Spanish. 🤣 If you won’t even bother to learn the language, I KNOW you’re only paying for everything related to keeping that woman on retainer. That is lame and desperate. It shows the local family of the woman, and it should show the woman, that if you don’t bother to learn Spanish, that you are not even serious about being family! The problem with not knowing your way around and the language is you’re going to get robbed! You’ve already upset the local way of operating by many ladies thinking it’s cool to get into prostitutions and on the dating apps, so you know the dudes are going to target you if you’re an American. This is a popular video that was made about dangers of dating in Colombia, and there are many tourists getting killed in botched robberies of Passport Bros. These dudes are getting set up by those game girls or followed by thugs when Passport Bros are spotted awkwardly trying to kick it to Colombian women, showing their social inept characteristics, using translator applications because they’re too lazy to learn the local language but they’re too horny to wait until they mastered the language before going to those countries to have a smooth landing. So they’re pulling out this device here, in front of her, while talking to women. Swag they’ve always had back in the USA? I think so! 🤣Thugs are looking at you, plotting!

The Achilles heel of Passport Bros is they cannot even speak the language of the country they are going to, to bed chicks. Clearly none of them can be serious about these women if they don’t learn that local language, right? How can you communicate? With me, there could be no games played on me, while I was there, because I’d understand everything they were saying. Unlike Passport Bros, where these women run game right in their faces. I’ve seen many Passport Bros go to DR and I would hear full plots to use these guys for their money, being discussed out in the open, right in guys’ faces, because those guys couldn’t understand a damn lick of Spanish other that “mi amor” (my love) and “dame dinero” (give me money). I got to see up close how grimy ladies really could be in DR, ironically, when hanging with the woman my boys asked me to consider. That was a side of DR that was unlike her home upbringing, but it was attractive to her, the party scenes, the cool kids scenes she would bring me to. I would see other non-Dominican men out an about with their pay for play chicks and fake girlfriends. I started to observe how many Dominican ladies bragged about all the things the American guy was being used for in terms of buying handbags, houses, cars for Dominican women they were RENTING when they went to DR. One thing that was consistent was I heard that these women had many men at once, not just these dopes they were pretending to be the girlfriends of. These women are all good actresses pretending to be faithful, you’d swear who they were with was their husbands. I was amazed and disappointed, because I could only see my own fate right before my eyes. What I couldn’t figure out (then) was why the hell this woman they set me up with, would bring me to places where I would see and hear this crap. What I learned later was she was trying to appear “hip” and like “modern woman”, more like women from the USA that she saw/heard/read about. She didn’t want to be a hick, a simple life person, she wanted to be popular and cool- and she was because she was a “Rubia” to people down there, so that’s extra special since she had fair skin- Dominican colorism is off the chain, on neanderthal levels really, because men there acted like this lady was a 10 everywhere we went, due to it. You don’t think he head was swollen from all the attention? She was 20 and she had no real exposure to foreigners other than her family, but soon as she got that attention, I knew, it was over, and she got MORE attention after being with me, because she has a foreign dude. That put a bullseye on my back and I knew it was a matter of time before someone local was gonna clap those cheeks. And hell no she didn’t want to come to the USA, just like most ladies in these countries.

Guys, I woke up when legendary Bachata artist Raulin Rodriguez himself was trying to bang my ex chick! We went to an intimate concert setting at Rancho Tipico, a venue where live performances get popping, and during an intermission, Raulin motioned her over to the stage (without me knowing because I was talking to peeps) he was performing on, and whispered in her ear to know if she was single or not, and where her man was. When I looked up, I saw him on stage, mic cut so nobody could hear this stuff, she told me afterwards. I didn’t think anything of it, I just took the photo. I have the dam photo of this, with her pointing to ME, smiling and him looking “caught in the act”, it is HILARIOUS. I was thinking I was the man over the regular locals there, thinking THEY can’t take my broad, since I was a “high value man” even back then, but then here comes El Cacique himself to cuff up my broad in front of my face, on stage, bro! So, my ex broad was in demand, and if Raulin specifically picked her out from the crowd and wanted to beat, I surely didn’t stand a chance if I weren’t there that particular day and I was back in the USA! THIS MUCH I KNEW!!! It was this moment I knew, I was barking up the wrong tree and if someone else showed up flashy, that chick was going to get taken. I wasn’t the jealous type, and of course he is a major superstar so she was super giddy, but so was EVERYONE’s ladies that night rushing to get up on him. Raulin proceeded to grab up other ladies and do the same thing, asking where their man was. He was sizing up for some coitus. Somebody’s chick got taken that night, that is a guarantee. Ironically, “Mujer Infiel” (unfaithful woman) is a popular song of his, which he sang that night. If Raulin is singing that local women are cheaters in DR, wtf, the myth is busted about this all ladies are better than USA ladies and are all more faithful in Latin America.🤦🏽♂️All cap. And if you think that I don’t think Raulin secretly got the number and beat after I left, know I don’t put it past them. Many dudes are plotting on you Passport Bros chicks because they know your girl needs local entertainment while you’re out working in a Subway sandwich shop in USA, the Raulins and the Tigueres of the street. I knew then, despite all the friends and family and dudes’ eyes all fixated on the chick I had,… I KNEW someone was going to get in those drawers eventually, someone other than me!

You may wonder, “Why didn’t she think you would suspect that she was not any different from these ladies thotting it up in DR playing games with dudes?”. Well, because I wasn’t paying her any money, nor her family any money– I got it off the lip and my rep, so in her mind, if I’m not spending like these Passport Bros, and not doing any of the garbage they were doing to get their ladies, then I can’t possibly see her in the same light at these thotties– her words. I saw first hand that Passport Bros think these ladies have no tricks up their sleeves and they are so innocent, then find out that these dummies bought these ladies their own homes, businesses, cars, pasolas, etc. Then that lady traps these dummies with kids and then try to extort that guy to get him to invest in her life by sending money to his kid. I know more than enough American Black dudes with kids in DR based on trusting women who were NOT thotties and this happened to them. Solid dudes, got caught up listening to the fake promises of chicks in DR, Colombia, Brasil and these were dudes trying to make life down there and not be pervy, and STILL they faced the same fate as any Passport Bro, so why do people think they’re going to have success doing Passport Bro garbage?! The Passport Bros also like to vilify ladies in the USA who did the same things in USA that these ladies in the foreign countries are doing. Only difference between the ladies in each region is that ones overseas can cook a full meal! The ladies overseas just pretend to be your girls friend but are naturally feminine despite that. This is the part that cements how Passport Bros are dorks! lol You can’t trust ANYONE, I don’t care where you are trying to fish for ladies. The difference between now and back in the days is none of those game girls spoke English, but today, they ALL speak English in those places, so they’ve been around the block, and you should be very aware if one of those chicks speaks English fluently in bars, clubs, hangout spots exclusively! You’ve a game girl! That was a bad look for my ex chick, exposing me to all these Dominican version of the City Girls who thought they were COOL playing games with dudes for their money, exposing me (personally) to how pure these ladies were NOT! The myth was busted for me about dating remotely, I was watching GAME GIRLS pretending to be little princess saints with Passport Bros from all over the world. A friend of the ex lady had lived across the street from her, and I saw her with 3 different men on different days, and even drove with that lady to an event with a guy I later found out was a 4th man who was not the man who was paying for the house she lived in! I lost all faith in this DR marriage process, that one weekend I observed all of this. I did my best to stay OUT of the streets, this ex’s family was not street/ghetto, they were a real family, I had to go through approval of the dad and two older brothers!!!! They were 100% about being serious with their daughter/sister (the baby of the family), and yet I saw what that chick was becoming interested in, that environment of Dominican thot culture, which she was NOT born into. That is no different than bringing a woman back to the USA from a foreign country, and then have her change on you to become influenced by USA twerking in restaurants, acting masculine, and being misandrists to men. To avoid the cool street club and hip kids things, I told her family to take me to the CAMPO (rural area), I wanted to be away from city people, I wanted to see simple life and clean air and nobody else around. I loved that hick life, so they complied and agreed that I should see such life more often. So, when this woman started wanting to go to more street stuff, and more club and cool stuff, as you would expect of young women, I knew a swing in Dominican culture was happening and I would come out on the losing side of it. And a lot of that swing was caused by the Passport Bros tricks going to these countries, spending fortunes on below average women, and then all kinds of opportunistic ladies started to pop up to scheme on dudes, making innocent women attracted to chasing dudes who flashed money all about. And this was before Reggaeton hit in DR, which when it did, that’s all I heard instead of Bachata, and I knew I had to get out of DR. It was not as great as it once was, and it put a lot of heat on local guys who couldn’t compete with Passport Bros’ money they were spending. Then I later found out that local guys would be dating chicks that the Passport Bros’ thought was their ladies! These ladies were going to Cyber-Cafes shared by other women, taking racy photos to send to men all around the world and they’d all be lined up in these places back to back. They were just all scheming there to get Passport Bros to send billions of money using services like Western Union. The money passport bros sent to that lady, she as giving to the local boyfriend/family- and then her local man would take that money and be out there sleeping with other local women. It was a whole economy and nasty! So that open relationship situation is what ladies learned to do, everything was turned on its head, it was time to abandon DR! And this was before guys were getting set up to be robbed by these ladies’ local boyfriends and family members.

I had another boy who was local in DR, so he had people keeping eye on this lady after that moment, and a few months later, he told me that multiple dudes had been trying to holler at my ex, but 1 dude actually STAYED a long time, a local guy with a brand new WHITE Mercedes Benz and intent to bend Mercedes! LOL It was a wrap. I knew he clapped those cheeks after I heard that. I let her know that I had rock-solid proof of dude being around, she denied it initially, then I produced too much proof. I SILENTLY broke up with her, we agreed not to tell her family the reason for the split, because she looked really bad and let everyone down. I also tricked her into writing a letter to me, where she admitted everything she did wrong, which I would use as proof. When news broke that I wasn’t going back there, to DR, everything hit the fan. And then back in NYC, I caught heat from my buddies, claiming I embarrassed them and just dumped their cousin. We kind of fell out because I didn’t share what their cousin was doing, thotting it up out there, and that SHE destroyed it, getting them cheeks clapped by local dudes. But then I got calls from her cousin in DR who also went at me in negative ways and suddenly my reputation was DESTROYED THERE, for seemingly deserting her. I let that pass, I didn’t want to say anything, but a shift came when, one day, she called to apologize, and her father took the phone from her, and then proceeded to tell me that SOME DUDE HAD BEEN COMING AROUND FOR HER, and noticed it was the same guy from around the time I dated her. He pieced it together, complimented my character despite me getting completely sh!t on by his whole family, but I just confirmed that she was thotting it up, she got caught and I wanted her not to look too bad. 1 year later, this lady had that guy’s kid! My boys didn’t quite believe it, so I had to send them photos of the letter, plain as day, the confession. Their wives hated, the extended family hated, everyone hated me, so it felt good to finally clear that air, with proof. I never revisited the idea of doing such a thing every again, because it doesn’t work. If you don’t live in the country with these women, and you aren’t marrying them, then know you’re just there doing coitus for sport. That society keeps track and is over controlling of ladies because given freedom, look what happens, she’s going to be indoctrinated into the sex crazed lady propaganda that why it’s so prevalent in all the Dominican songs. Very sexually promiscuous ladies. And Passport Bros don’t understand that you have to move there to maintain those ladies exactly as the local guys do, or bring them to USA, which will negate the whole point of not taking a bride already in the USA. They not only can’t understand this, but they can’t accomplish this task of moving to these local places because they don’t know a trade, don’t have business acumen, don’t know anything about being an ex-pat. They don’t know about “brown-outs”, they don’t know about not being able to drink water out the faucet directly, they don’t know about showers that may not have hot water for long periods of time. So they’re not going to move there, all CAP, it’s 3rd world, not first world! You might not have Internet for 2 weeks if it doesn’t work, how will that affect your remote work? Passport Bros aren’t going to go live down in these third world countries!!! Unless they have zero to lose and really are down bad in the USA. They don’t mostly have the resources to sustain this, they don’t know the language, they don’t know the culture, they are just getting taken for their money every day they are there. I’ve seen many SIMP men go down to DR, Brasil, Colombia and I saw the run through their life savings, who are now broke dudes! And I can tell you from experience, I’d be eating food with my religious people in DR and then we’d see Passport Bros at another table talking loud talking about eating hookers from the BYKE and how much money the splurged on women! Good thing those good Catholics couldn’t understand English, but over and over, we’d see packs of Passport Bros bragging openly about street walking chicks they “conquered”. 90% of Passport Bros are doofs! And when local can understand the disrespect they show towards the cultures, that doesn’t look good for men trying to do real things down there with ladies, to make a strong family. So even back then, these dummies were putting heat on me because I didn’t want to look like passport bros to locals. And when people were hanging in some towns like Sosua, there was nothing but Passport Bros swarming the streets getting hookers, looking for some Haitian COCOMORDAN. Pervy! Look how dusty they are, just like ghetto chicks here whom these Passport Bros all claim they hate! They all look exactly like these USA ghetto chicks, you can’t be serious talking about you’re going to wife one of them up. This is straight LIES!!!! I had to get out of that damn town, I didn’t want to look like a perv. Ladies would look at you, and spot you’re not local, then she hits on you expecting you to trick on her and get all your money. Disrespect is what Passport Bros taught these ladies. Everyone could spot Passport Bros for their thirst, their self importance trying to look cool, 5’1″ fat dudes walking like they’re kings of the street. I thought this would change by now, but today, same type of thirsty bums are making the block hot in these Latin countries.🤦🏾♂️So I feel as I feel, based on HISTORY, not thinking I’m better than anyone doing Passport Bros things today. I say what I say based on evidence THEY ARE SAYING, just as I do with the ladies I comment on. I use their words and their videos as evidence. I know when dudes are starving for coitus and are filled with hate, vs dudes just traveling just because they can. This site is documentation of traveling and learning, and sharing experience, not going out looking for coitus.

After the death of a guy named Kevin Samuels, who was trying to teach these very guys to learn self respect and demand better treatment by ladies here in the USA, these boys have no mouthpiece for them anymore. They became out of control, the messiah had passed and the guys were exposed for who they really were the whole time, thirsty boys! The bulk of these new Passport Bros are baby-mama raised males, so they don’t know how not to be a SIMP and don’t know how to handle rejection from females. They are simps in the USA, they are simps in Europe, they are SIMPs in DR, Colombia, Brasil, and Asia! One of the newest Passport Bros to the scene is this guy, who got his butt handed to him after trying to debate about why he is promoting being a perv. He shared that he was wishing to go to Brasil since he was 6, and got tricked into saying that he was WATCHING PORN AT 6 years of age! So he was affected by sexual exposure since he was 6, yeah he is a pervert now at 23 years of age. He should not have as much hate as he has for women, at such a young age. He hasn’t had time to have real complaints yet. So he goes to trick all over Latin American, buying coitus because he is too lazy to play the game in USA, instead of just bowing out of the stupid games here. That makes him, and all Passport Bros, SIMPS, which they claim they won’t do here in the USA but clearly they’re doing over seas! They are simps everywhere they go so they are getting exploited by women everywhere they go because everywhere they go they’re still taking THEMSELVES with THEMSELVES! These guys don’t have desirable personalities anywhere they go, most just go to third world countries pretending like they are rich, which attracts gold diggers, but these dudes are pretending these ladies they are getting are not game girls and gold diggers. Passport Bros are going to touristy spots or popular spots these women go to get men for money too! The men are fully aware they’re going to pay for sex with these women, some of them are renting Air-BNBs and working remotely while temporarily living down there, running through chicks, can’t speak a lick of Spanish still. They’re not serious about any woman down there, all CAP! You know how you know? Ask these Passport Bros “When is the marriage?” Ask them “Where do you live in {insert country here}?” Ask them “Do you speak {insert respective language here}?” Ask them if they’re planning on bringing those ladies back to the USA to be a citizen. None of these guys have any answer for you! If you don’t have relationship skills is your native country in your native language, then you can’t possibly convince anyone with a brain that you will be a good match for a woman in a country with a completely different culture. The pedestals these guys put these foreign women on is not good and they don’t want to believe these women are only acting well-mannered because they’re getting paid for Girl Friend Experience. These guys are making unnecessary heat for Latinas abroad because now you have all these hateful American overweight ladies mad that they cannot compete with Latinas, so, they call all the Latinas prostitutes. The action of Passport Bros has women domestically incorrectly labeling all Latinas who these guys meet, prostitutes. That is Passport Bros having no damn code!!! They are bringing disrespect to Latinas and that is not fair. These guys are also conflating outdated and poorly interpreted stereotypes of ALL LATIN WOMEN (and all countries are NOT the same in culture) with thotties who are acting like they like Passport Bros for real, because they were paid to do so. And genuine ladies who do have interest in Passport Bros are incorrectly going to be labeled as prostitutes in the foreign country, and that will dissuade them from being compliant for men with REAL plans to marry and reproduce with them.

Passport Bros are destroying the game for real men, who really want to get away from American women for legitimate reasons, all because Passport Bros are pervs with no protocol and can’t help themselves. They also think that pair bonds they see between foreign women and men applies to foreign women and Passport Bros, who are not that man of the foreign country so that’s a completely different dynamic. These Passport Bros don’t know how to treat any women domestic or abroad, they are running away from mouthing off chicks in the USA and are too scared to face them! They have no relationship skills, forget GAME, they’re social awkward, their socially inept, and they think they’re masters of love because they go overseas for coitus. Amazing! These Passport Bros even think they’re better than local men in these countries because they took their stimulus check money to DR to spend like Gods. Ladies want men they can relate to the most, and Passport Bros don’t make the cut for most women in these other countries, by and large. Opportunist game girls though, Passport Bros are a perfect match for those women. These Passport Bros have the same problem that Western women have, which is that anyone will use you for what they think is valuable to them, which for women is sex and for Passport Bros, is THEIR MONEY! Just because someone wants your sex or money, that doesn’t mean they love you, that doesn’t mean you could get married tomorrow and have a perfect relationship. You’re only good for what they can use you for. I’m not hating on Passport Bros, I just want more of them to travel to TRAVEL, and I want them to also know that what they’re doing is sex tourism, which is illegal. You gonna need to visit this site after. When I hear Passport Bros talk, if they’re not talking about hookers, they’re talking about going overseas and making baby mamas out of the foreign women of the foreign country, like a bunch of doofs! Guys, in general, will always take the path of least resistance, and THIS is it. I also had a chance to have a relationship with a nice dark skinned Dominican who was Americanized because she went to college here in the States, where I met her, but was born and raised in DR. In less than 4 years (time in American school), this lady turned into a super feminist! She did not arrive to the USA as one, she arrived as a humble woman from La Romana, and she left a MONSTER. She got her education to go back to DR to flex on locals, to act like she was better than people in DR, but she asked me to visit while in DR. I went to visit while my buddy and I were investigating some cybersecurity opportunities in the DR, near the capital, and we went to pay her a visit. I immediately saw a different person, I mean a big difference, as in 20lbs heavier difference. I noticed her stuck up attitude, I noticed her talking down to the Haitian maid her family pays to tend to the house and feed the family- and when I saw her home life, I was like WAIT HER MOM DOESN’T COOK AND CLEAN? THAT LADY IS RETIRED! Her mom was a retired school teacher who wasn’t tending to the house, not making food and apparently not pleasing the father because he was a lawyer who impregnated some younger woman at that time. Talk about drama. But this lady wouldn’t/couldn’t cook, even for herself, which is NOT standard in DR. So she purposely wanted to buck the system with her stance on feminism, but she was making a stand in the wrong place. That lady went back to DR went back to try to show off that she was educated in USA, that she didn’t need a man in DR, but she got a lot of jobs with this attitude. But in terms of being a Dominican, she had nothing to show for herself because she hadn’t married nor had kids at that point. She was in her mid 20s with nothing to show for it, by DR standards. This lady’s aunt heard her talking about men, and the disrespect she had for men, and the aunt came to me to personally tell me to NOT get romantically involved with such a woman, and to go find someone local if I was planning on finding someone, eventually, but that this lady was far gone. To have her own family member do that, that was a big save, not that I would have continued to this girl, but that the aunt realized that I was a good person and didn’t want me to waste my time with a feminist from DR. That same girl couldn’t find anyone for YEARS! Nobody wanted her, and if she did get someone, they cheated on her left and right. She was pretty, but going 3rd world feminist made her disgusting to a whole culture. So I shared that to say, you’re barking up the wrong tree if you’re not with boots on the ground there to stay there, because if any of those ladies you are putting on a pedestal comes back to the USA, less than 1 year, she will become the same lady you claim to hate from the USA. They all change if you let them get their feet on USA soil! But that particular lady didn’t want to be in the USA anymore either, thus went back and wanted to set up in DR but with a SIMP husband. She had me all the f$%ked up!

Just because you fly to see them and pay for all their expenses, that does not mean they want YOU, the person, stop it Passport Bros. These guys are claiming these women love them for them, 1 hour after meeting. These Passport Bros don’t even want to learn foreign languages so what relationship are they building??? They won’t even invest to put that lady in English class, as an alternative. NOTHING. You ask Passport Bros what’s so special about these women and they tell you that these women all respect men by default. Ok, so why are they taking your money and not doing all of this special service for FREE? Why aren’t you Passport Bros getting this play off the lip (verbal intercourse) instead of off the hip (financial intercourse)? Why are the foreign women asking you to buy them cell phones, expensive clothing, pay their rents, etc., if they love you? The same things they claim women want of them in the USA are the same things they actually pay for, for these ladies abroad! That is DUMB! They prove there is no difference where you get the kind of ladies they want, today, it’s all the same behavior, just different locations. Passport Bros are making the foreign men in these other countries suffer because they’re changing the culture of the foreign culture with this poisoned, spoiled, “buy me this buy me that” culture they’re bringing to these countries. They’re teaching the culture to be spoiled transactional lovers, and the local men are going to end up plotting on you Passport Bros! You’re going to get set up bigtime you keep making life hard for them, or they’ll just wait for you to leave and get at your chicks while you think they’re secured by your pennies you pay her. I’m here to tell you Passport Bros, you’re not going to find a wife, you’re not going to have a good life, you need to stop lying and finally admit, you’re going overseas to get these women for sex tourism. Women have been doing it forever, now it’s time you Passport Bros to learn to act like those Kings of Travel do and own up to your pervy ways, by admitting you too are into sex tourism. To deny it, that’s how you diminish your team’s movement. Passport Bros are right, it is getting harder to find good women in the USA, and even worse get steady poon, but to lie and say they’re not going overseas for coitus because they can’t get some stateside, the lie detector determined that that was a lie! The problem, as a man, is that if you don’t know how to talk to women, and coexist with women, then you cannot understand all the changes they’re going through, games they play, manipulation in store for you, etc. You’re flying blind. And if you think these foreign chicks can’t smell your desperation, you’re even more pathetic that I thought. You have to be well versed in how to navigate life aside these people, not RUN AWAY from them. Going out on your own, knowing yourself, knowing what you strengths and weakness are first, before trying to land a woman, is key, wherever you are. You’re not suddenly hot because your ugly looking self went to a foreign country. They have hot guys too, you think they don’t want those guys and want you, right? This is where you Passport Bros are being as delusional as these female “3”s who think they’re 10s. They think they’re hot because they’re human handjobs by different men every week, you think you’re the human highlight reel because you spent your PP Loan money you got from your scam, on Dominican broads you took to your rented villa in DR. You and these lowly US chicks are over inflating the only things you have going for you, to falsely boost your confidence, and it’s mental madness. These guys are becoming Passport Bros not to witness the culture of the place they’re going, they’re going to places where they don’t have to compete for a lady and most don’t have the confidence and talk to gain a woman’s attention in any country. So if they flash their money and make themselves look like a target to women, then they know they’ll get a lady who is trying to get money, but they’ll take just about ANY woman who comes to them. You don’t need to seek a Pick Up Artist/Dating Coach for help, or become one, but you do need to know how to address these ladies, the new aggressiveness by them, their brashness and perversion they are displaying today, towards you, because of how you are MAKING yourself appear to the public. Fine, if you don’t care, but you do care, and this is the problem making you double down on pervy behavior. You come back to USA affected, and infected, by the false sense of power you got overseas from buying booty, which leads to depression when your high calms down and you’re back to being the YOU that you hate so much. It’s addictive, and brings many to ruin chasing the personality/lifestyle you don’t have in reality. You’re not becoming a Passport Bro to escape the terrible women of the West that you can’t live with and you find unattractive, you’ve become a Passport Bro to escape being YOURSELF, and seeing a YOU that you find unattractive and can’t stand to be. Do better, my G. Look inward, N-word!
As always, the finished products can be found on the main site of