Cultural Night Out: WTF is a Queues de Castor??

What in the hell am I looking at?
AB, Canada

Google a “Beaver Tail ” (Queues de Castor) and see what you get. How am I the last person to learn what this diabetes-in-24-hrs-or-less inducing greatness from the heavens is??? I was in Banff, Alberta, Canada and asked a local, “where can I get a culinary slice of local-life to this area?” In less than 1 second, the guy quickly fired off “You MUST have Queues de Castor“, and after a little “WTF” face making by me, his buddy translated it to “Beavertail” to me. His buddy looked on, waiting for my response, and as predicted, I said “HELL NOOOO! I’m not eating the tail of a goddamn beaver, dude! That’s disgusting” They burst out in heavy laughter and apparently I was not in the mix about that joke. The guy told me to calm down and pointed out 2 stores, one street apart from each other, on opposite sides of the street, both named “Beavertails“. I could see loads of people coming out of both of these stores, so apparently, this was the thing to do, so I had to see what that as about. I look to see what is causing all of the commotions, but decide to not google it, just to go and see. I get to the place and I see people coming out with 2 of these long ass breaded things, with loads of craziness on top of them. No 2 seemed to be the same and seriously each person got 2 for themselves, not to hand off to other people. When I finally get a glimpse of what they’re serving, over 10 people’s heads, I zoom in with the camera phone to the absolute madness above.

I was so addicted, I ended up eating 6 of these in 3 days (1 for my hike, 1 with a coffee in the early afternoon). One of the people with me told us that everyone gets one of these then goes and does a long walk or exercises, and all I was thinking was “no, they have to exercise after because this can’t be good!” Sure enough, people we saw in this place were right that up in the mountains, along with us, 1 hour later. I could have just eaten a damn protein bar, which there was no place to get such a thing there. Everyone with me had the shakes from this craziness that is only fried dough, I get that, but it’s combined with topping so good, you are going to get addicted to the damn thing, like more of the people who were standing on line. The demand for this is so crazy that in a small town like Banff, they put 2 of them less than 1 block away from each other. If you go there, and you see a crowd coming out of any shop, it’s THIS place that the is causing the line. Incredible. I could go to Coney Island or Great adventures and NEVER want to eat the fried dough with sugar powder on top, I actually HATE that, but went absolutely stupid for Beavertails. So disappointed in myself. lol 1 month in the gym, 4 times a week! uhhhhhh In retrospect, I actually remember passing this up when in Ottawa, a few years ago, thinking “this is terrible for my health, why would I eat this junk???”. Sad! lol