Portugal (gaslighting) is not racist?

Av. Brasília, 1400-038 Lisboa, Portugal

People who have been with us for a while constantly like to complain that we don’t share any insights and opinions about key countries in Europe, when we travel. Personally, I had to think that complaint against Drunkphotography.com over, and prior to maybe putting up something about Ireland, I guess the comments are somewhat valid. So maybe let’s unwrap a reason here, today, about why most of us really couldn’t give a fvck about Europe or anything European, for that matter, mainly because, well, we’re Blacks and Latinos. The fact that I wrote that line right there, that has most of you scratching your heads and you’re saying that this is irrelevant, but another half of you is saying “yeah that’s right, this my people’s lands and now yours.” Actually, the latter comment is more apropos to the sentiments that many of us hold about Europe, it’s not our lands and it’s not historically been “friendly,” if you will, to people like us. We’ll expound on that later, but the point is that there is a reason for most of us not really caring anything about Europe, so it was a good observation, and much of the gang, when questioned, pretty much came to the same consensus about Europe, or much of Europe; “they not like us”—or maybe, they DON’T LIKE US, is more fitting. Hmm More on that later too. Now, some of us did do a few trips out to some parts of Europe, the ones known to be most friendly, those with egalitarian type social systems, they are more tame and the hostilities, if you do face them while in such countries, you will notice are coming from either OLD citizens, or they’re coming from other travelers from neighboring European countries, who have hostilities towards you—who also, ironically enough, tend to be older people. Recently, gang went to Portugal to go explore some of the history there, look into the culture there, kind of test the waters there to see how cool it would be for people like us to go look around Portugal and not be bothered and no standout much, so we don’t draw in any negative attention. Of course, the gang is mostly Blacks and Latinos, and it was funny how the Asians and European descendants say they had the very opposite opinion, and the absolutely loved Europe. When quizzed about the racism angle, only the Black and Latinos pointed out that they felt and experience hatred from multiple countries in Europe, none of which was ever experienced, nor seen, by the European descendants, nor Asians— which didn’t shock me at all, quite frankly. Now, I’m going to let you know, I saw more Asians get blatantly disrespected, overseas, thinking they’re European descendants flossing, only to have a European descendant blatantly, publicly, disrespect and emasculate the Asians for all to see. I have PERSONALLY witnessed it, 1 foot from me, meanwhile the same European aggressors didn’t have anything to say to me, and after they finished taking a dump on that Asian, one guy bumped me by mistake and over-apologized to me, even offered to buy me a beer. That shlt was WEIRD, but apparently there is a lot of Asian hate in Europe, but of course, they can’t see it until it’s too late. There are MANY videos of this, online, I’m not the only one noticing it and most will choose to ignore the fact that European moved them out of a spot they were eating, for instance, to clear way for other Europeans, ruining the Asian person’s vibe. Still, I was not shocked my Asian buddies never heard of or saw such disrespect. 🤡 We heard that Portugal doesn’t have any of those crazy challenges, the hot spots to go this year included Portugal, you don’t have terrible things in the new about Portugal, so it made sense. Hell, everyone is trying to buy up the land in Portugal, because it’s so cool there, and now the locals want to dismantle traveling there—the top way this country is making money, the locals want to destroy. In fact, if you look up things to do in Portugal, most of your searches will tell you “how not to be seen as a tourist” while in Portugal, because they hate tourists. This is made WORSE by Europeans and their American European descendants, who can’t afford life in America, flocking to Spain and Portugal, to buy up cheap homes and land, making life HELL for Portugal and the local Portuguese people because now all prices are inflated and they’re bringing annoying outside ways to Portugal. Portuguese locals are protesting all over Portugal to get rid of people who are not from Portugal because the rent is too damn high! So, when we got to Portugal, it made a LOT of sense why so many people spoke English, American English at that, because they moved to Portugal to become things like tour guides! I had a few tour guides there, they were from USA and had moved to Portugal in the past 4 years, just prior to the Pandemic. So, a lot of that HATE that people are saying they get in Portugal, when visiting, it’s coming from the fact that outsiders are forcing inflation on everything, through the roof in Portugal, and protests haven’t stopped since 2023 when the Pandemic ended. The part that should startle people, and lends itself to the criticism of Portugal, is the fact that Portugal is SOCIALIST! It is NOT like the rest of the “West” if you even want to call it that, and because of all the craziness and money hungry scammers there, the government has become corrupted, and like Spain, like France, there is a HARD RIGHT-WING movement that has taken over Portugal. If you’re an African descendant, a lot of the hate you’re going to get is likely related to the push for the world to recognize the horrors and atrocities committed in Africa, in the name of “nation building,” particularly in Europe, and especially due to Portugal’s hand in the slave trade. See, in 2014, the UN declared the decade proceeding (2014-2024) the “International Decade for People of African Descent” (choose your native language and read it). I’m not making this up, the UN statement is here. This is why you’re seeing so many countries with African descendants demanding their reparations, after being inspired by FBA in America, and the backing of the UN putting the batteries in their backs. As you read it, it has many insightful details that you should probably know before you to go Europe, for the first time, because if you know history, you can know how people see you currently, and into the future. Portugal is no exception, it turned out.

If you’re not a person of African descent , your experience, and the hate you get, that’s a much different hate. Most people don’t even know how to explain your kind of hate you’re getting. You can look like the people of Portugal and still get the hate you get as a person not of African lineage. Overall, some of that hate you’re feeling you get when out there, know it’s coming on a FEW fronts, which is why “influencers” are telling you to go to visit but try not to be seen as a “tourist” if you’re a non-Black. If you’re a Black, stick around, we have the insight NONE of these influencers can, nor will they ever, share with you about Portugal, because they’re not us, they don’t know the history behind anything, and they’re just kids having fun out there. They just tell you to not look like a tourist when in Portugal— Isn’t that counterproductive? It’s a top tip when going to Portugal, and it’s all I saw when I looked for tips on how to act in Portugal, so I don’t get kllled or arrested. When you researched Portugal, what did you look for to help supplement your trip? Likely very different things than someone like me would, because I’m a traveler, not a vacationer. I get immersed in the culture; I don’t just do touristy things all day. I tested some of the things I researched with people who are not like me, and they had no idea, nor did they care, and those are vacationers who just want to do what everyone else does on trips. Those people, you can’t tell them why you always avoided Europe because they don’t know the history of Europe, as it relates to African descendants, nor do they care; thus, they can’t relate when someone like me tells them that I don’t really fvck with Europe like that. If that’s you, who thinks people like me are psychotic for not feeling comfortable in Europe, maybe this read is for you. If you’re some Black chick trying to force your Black male to go to Europe, and you’re as ignorant as my lady friends, maybe this piece is for you too. There are many Black and Latino men that have shared the same sentiments, but I’m going to take it a little further for you, to give you some real insight and context, by using Portugal as a clear example. You’re probably unfamiliar with the experience with us Black and Latinos who wanted to avoid places like Portugal, or just Europe in general, so, let me share with you some things you probably will not find written anywhere in major publications, and certainly won’t hear it from any influencer. Europe is going right-wing, which is bringing in waves of racism. Also, places like Portugal, they are socialist societies. American European descendants are getting pissed with Portugal because they’re only now finding out that it’s a socialist country, which is why a lot of it is run down, but it would make you wonder why would so many Americans ever want to move there? Why would such a place with such completely different politics, make an American European descendant want to be there? What common about them that this American would think would be enough to carry him/her through anything changes the country goes through? Hmm what oh what? Oh… that they have some forms of European in their bloodstream, and physical features, too, and surely that should be enough to make it OK to move to a socialist society. Well, Portugal, in the last leadership bid, invited people to come move there, get jobs, help pump up life there— only to take that ALL away in this new Regime because it’s turned pretty xenophobic and you can’t get the visa free ride anymore, after regime change and protests that ushered in right-wing waves of Populists to Portugal. All you had to do to get residency was buy a home worth $380K USD in anywhere in Portugal, and BAM you have a residency Visa. I met a tour guide who took out a loan, sold everything they had in USA, and moved to Portugal on that “Golden Visa Program.” So he got lucky when Portugal opened the flood gates, but there is some resentment towards him, he admitted (he’s not African descendant either). European dominant societies outside of Portugal pounced on that opportunity and exploited this, and the trick to the visa program was that if you are from a country NOT IN THE EU, you could get residency in Portugal, which was psycho of them to even allow—but now they’d killed that off post pandemic, or at least most of it because of the inflation! A lot of American patriots are left stranded now. 🤡 Nonetheless, someone like that, they LOVE Portugal because their plight is not that of the African descendant. They can just learn Portuguese, and everything is fine. Well maybe not because there is a lot of hate aimed of foreigners out there. So, for Blacks out there, some of that hate you feel, that’s anti-Americanism, not necessarily racism, but an “otherism“, nonetheless. The target of this pushback to giving visa’s out was more so aimed at ASIANS (e.g., India, Nepal, Bangladesh), and AFRICANS than for European descendant Westerners though—they want European descendants over there, nobody else! What’s also different about Portugal from other countries more popular in Europe is it’s kinda broke, but making a comeback.

Why isn’t Portugal more important on the world stage after all that slave labor? How did they fumble the bag so poorly? They had trade on lock, then they had all that slavery and they occupied countries, stole all their resources, and they’re BROKE today? How? So, one of the reason Portugal tried to give people Golden Visas was because Portugal is BROKE and has always been broke after fumbling the bag on their slavery conquests. This is also the reason for the rise of the right. There is like almost no proof whatsoever of Portugal being a colonial powerhouse. If you recall, Goldman Sach was hired to fake the real world wealth and debt of Greece, and the rest if PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). Portugal did have a good turn around but it’s not as great as the rest of Europe still. These countries weren’t pulling their weight and Europe called these the brokies, actually, this is considered a derogatory term in current day, because these brokies couldn’t get their money up to be worth of being in the EU initially. The people from these countries were considered lazy, unproductive, corrupt, and or wasteful people by the rest of Europe. Portugal needs all the money it can get, so, how can Portugal not promote advertise to outsiders about how great the country is, which will bring the money in the form of investment and tourism? The golden visa program was a way to get huge ingestions of money, and they want that gone. Tourism is booming, but locals are protesting it. Now, if you go around Portugal, you’ll see a lot of RUINS, and I’m not talking about the ones from the Roman years either, I’m talking about people’s homes that aren’t even 50 years old. A lot of things are falling apart if you take a good look. You’ll see them with holes in them, you’ll see them with graffiti, and the government had many bad decisions where they were having places where people could live permanently in houses for pennies on the dollar like they made decisions that were terrible for collecting taxes and for housing, and it’s just collapsing on itself. They are around 29th in the world economies, and the public sector debt outweigh advances of the private sector, so I know that will be a target of right-wing if you make programs to address the imbalance of power for Blacks and any government projects of the like. The government isn’t spending money on Blacks, so what is it spending money on? Government spending is SICK in Portugal, so why don’t the people have that money? People feel they’re being made poor so do you think people suffering like this economically want to talk about Portugal’s history of slavery? No, why, because of what I said about Brasil, they want reparations, and if you recognize the Blacks in Portugal, whose lives were destroyed after being stolen from Africa, dumped into Portugal as slaves and just abandoned with no path forward, oh, you’re going to have to pay REPARATIONS to those Blacks in Portugal– money your side will argue you do not have and you can’t get social programs because the government spends too much as it is! Guess what? Blacks in Portugal have been trying to get reparations talks going, unsuccessful, but they’re pushing it, which is good, but it’s falling on deaf ears, especially now that the right-wing is there in force. The President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, said that it’s time to talk about the colonial past because of the gaps I’ve mentioned today here, because you can’t talk about all these discoveries and then stop cold when someone asks Portugal “what exactly are these discoveries you are talking about and what did it net you?” In Portugal, they teach how great Portugal was in colonizing Africans and Indigenous people, seriously, that’s what they teach, so it’s making people who fully support colonizing people considered less important, they’re not learning that what they did was wrong. In Portugal, they teach kids that Portuguese people have great tans because they’re so open and mixed with all the races/ethnicities they “discovered” because they’re so nice and cool. This is serious! So, prior to the pandemic, there was a push to tell the truth and the right-wing said NEVER, and they’re actively fighting exposing the truth about colonization and uncovering Portugal’s real history of colonialism and their attitudes about how it is synonymous with Portuguese pride. Portugal teaches that the racism and hatred and bigotry they teach in school contributes to the overall view of Blacks. If you question what these people have been taught in school, for centuries, you are offending the pride of Portugal. It’s difficult to teach the truth without offending the sensitive, so it’s best to say the left is overly sensitive and claim you are defending Portugal, if you’re on the right. So their strategy is to deny everything, and hide information- more on that later. You think I’m just making up Black shlt about Portugal, I know, you hate me for pointing this out about places I study, but BAM here is the study from 2008 to 2012 work of data entitled “´Race´ and Africa in Portugal: a study on history textbooks” aka RAP. I come with records, not wreckage. Here are the publications from RAP and you can read all of this yourselves. People are starting to realize that they should have better fortunes in Portugal, and as some learn history, that are becoming infuriated. Someone once went to the Monument to the Discoveries and wrote graffiti on it saying “ The nation that killed Africa, Wakanda4Ever” during the Pandemic, so eyes are on Portugal for a change and formal apologies and plan to acknowledge their role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade and social change cannot be avoided because likely a youth did that vandalism They’ll need to contend with the far right and it’s only a matter of time before anti-Black is a stated agenda of the far-right. Portugal’s right-wing already made their statement chastising the President’s comments to acknowledge slavery and pay reparations and they want to do NEITHER so of course the right-wing deals if race politics.

Portugal claims it is the only European country that had a right-wing party that wasn’t coming with xenophobic or racist messaging, I read that in several places- only to learn, that’s BS too. First of all, that’s foul to say about the other European countries, but they are aware that right-wing parties are racist! 🍿 When I hear this kind of declaration, I hear coverup. When I hear someone say that Portugal is becoming too much like the US for trying to get Blacks a seat at the political table, I know, that’s HATE. Trying to get a group civil rights shouldn’t be considered a bad thing. People trying to convince you that that recent political moves they’ve made, and the rise of the right-wing in Portugal, does not put them in line with other European nations in any way, that is to say, Portugal wants you to know it is a friendly country that everyone can be in. Now, from all accounts I have, it’s definitely a safe country to be in, at the moment, I really liked the place a LOT. It’s a spin back to old time, but old times… well that’s not such a good thing for everyone in the world, now is it? Personally, I really enjoyed Portugal, and will go back, but they’re gonna get these BARS today! It’s why I chose to go there to vacation, I read over and over how nice the people were, how there is no hatred towards Blacks, etc, you know, the typical adverts. They say that striking down the golden visa program, and who they are making sure doesn’t get one is just them fighting corruption and inflation. See, although socialist in their politics, a lot of capitalist corruption resulted from that visa program and many exploited immigration to insane profits. That tour guide who moved there, he got deal after deal, so I can understand the pushback Portugal had to that crazy visa program. That tour guide can be a tour guide for life, he’s set now, in Portugal. The new regime came in April 2024, and Prime Minister Luis Montenegro is 100% against immigration in his right-wing stance, so now you know where the foreigner hate comes from the top, even if you’re not moving there. Still, that’s not what we Black and Latinos experience, traveling to Portugal, we have something different going on, and it really puzzles me because what we have going on there, is related to something that is rather strange about Portugal, and how most of the country is broke, yet other European nations that had the same interests overseas in the 15th century and onward, found huge success with their off shore exploitation that Portugal somehow never was able to capitalize on. See, like Americans in the South are mad at Blacks for getting freedom and civil rights, because it robbed brokies of the chance to get rich, Portugal experienced some very similar, and many feel they were robbed of an opportunity to be a great nation like the USA. What am I talking about? The issue that Blacks and Latinos have going over to places like Portugal dates back to TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE, of which, Portugal was the first to start up the transport of African slaves to the new world, and they were the last to stop that kind of slavery too, after being forced to stop. Now, the story you’re told in schools in the Americas is that Spain started slavery, when they finished destroying the Moors and kicking them out of Spain, and then want to go exploit India, but ended up going the wrong way to “discover” Haiti/Dominican Republic, aka Ayiti aka Hispaniola. If you think that this is the truth to the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, then you are miss educated, and you need to pay attention here. See, the remnants or fall out of this “discovery” of what is dubbed “the New World” this is what rubs Blacks and Latinos the wrong way about Portugal, and Spain, but we’ll address Spain in another piece. Portugal’s exploits of Blacks began BEFORE Spain set sail to accomplish their goal, and this is why Portugal escaped these bullets coming their way, because we were all taught that Christopher Columbus opened the world up to Europe, which is only part of the story. Portugal was already doing established slavery and sugar plantations in the west African island of Madeira. When slavery kicked into high gear, Portugal made already established slave dominance over current day Ghana, where they put that slave tower “Elmina Castle,” in 1481. So, you see, Columbus came to the new world in 1492, under the Spanish crown, but Portugal was already in the game of slavery, and running the show at that point, and stole their first 235 slaves is 1444, where they were sold in the ultra rich Lagos, Portugal! Before that, they had North African Moors as indentured servants, who were put to work after being defeated in wars. This was the result of holy wars between Christianity and Islam, not the same as just arriving and stealing Blacks who were just minding their businesses. Also know, Jewish people were also put into a form of slavery in Portugal. Remember that Jewish slave master and slave porter who illegally brought slaves into Rhode Island, USA, who was from Portugal, Aaron Lopez? He had a deep network to slavery he was orchestrating and it’s where he got a lot of his riches before arriving in America! This is how he was able to still bring slaves over directly into America with his own boats, Portuguese refused to give up slavery and despite his religious background, being familiar with persecution and slavery, he was a top slaver in the USA! This wasn’t only a Christian and Muslim/Arab thing, it involved Jewish slave masters and slave hustlers too. Portugal deserves more shame for its role in slavery, normalizing slavery to Europeans who were not mainly getting slaves from other Blacks, they were getting them off of other Europeans like PORTUGAL but this is precisely what they want to avoid actually, and technically, they were doing modern day forms of slavery in their colonies as late as the 1960s, they didn’t stop exploiting Blacks in the 1800s. Let’s stop pretending here! Don’t let anyone from Portugal tell you that the racism never existed except for ancient time. There was a whole dictatorship that was finally overthrown in 1974, the Estado Novo government, dubbed the “Carnation Revolution” (fighters put carnations in the barrels of their guns which is an image you’ve seen in photograph or in art pieces) and it was documented how racist they were, and people try to pretend like that revolution was to make amends with the troublesome history of Portugal’s past. If you see anything with reference to “April 25th,” that’s a callback to this revolution date April 25th 1974- which used to have the oppressive regime leader’s name “António Salazar” on it, but they removed his name and put April 25th on it instead. Portugal tries to use this as a turning point because the African countries pushed forward to get their independence right after this, in 1975, so Portugal touts this like the “WE (Portugal) let them get free” and take credit for the independence of these countries, which they shouldn’t have colonized in the first place, but these Africans are to be thankful to Portugal, is how Portugal paints it. Angola was imploding before that dictatorship ended, for a decade at least in a civil war / independence war, superpower countries were proxy warring through Angola, and Portugal had to maintain military in all colonies and mostly there. It was seriously messy and bloody, and that helps put the nail in the coffin for the dictatorship because next up was Mozambique, same thing, famine, and civil war broke out there right after. It all imploded for Portugal, and it was poorly managed by the regime. They got sanctioned, the spent all the money on the wars for independence, Portugal went BROKE! People sympathetic to Portugal’s treatment of Africans and how poorly managed everything was, many of them LEFT Portugal entirely, an the world was watching and putting sanctions on Portugal, had arms embargoes going and all. The people mainly right-wing, were neo-fascists, like many of the other European movements post World War II, so they revived nationalism and wanted to go to go kill Africans for busting up Portugal’s power when they wanted to be free! The current right-wing movement use his history to get themselves in power. Many people blame Africans for the fall of Portugal and still have resentment, this is answers how Portugal went broke, no more Africans to exploit. This is FACT, this is documented! he Salazar regime was defeated by Socialists, that’s why it’s been a socialist country since. That oppressive Salazar regime ran from 1926 to 1974. You want to know what else they buried like the Black ancestors in Portugal? They buried the stats on race/ethnicity. If that change in the “oppressive regime” was to make a change, can you tell me why the Portuguese constitution purposely ensures that Portugal can NEVER collect any data related to ethnicity or race, so no one can ever do traces of Black presence and disappearance either. Oh yes, I have the facts, and one of the foremost activists documents it here. This was done so race cannot ever become a talking point in Portugal because without the data how can you prove misappropriation in funds to help Blacks, and how can you track under representation? This is done on purpose, because the racism built into Portugal can’t be exposed then. Why didn’t they take this OUT of the constitution by now if they’re friendly to Blacks? So literally BLACKS DON’T COUNT?? Of course they do, according to the far right, and they don’t appreciate any dissing into how racist Portugal MAY be. They are so against racism that the far-right racists, during covid, had a “Portugal is not racist” protest (RECEIPTS OVER THIS SIDE RECEIPTS NOT BOGUS LIES), to COUNTER the Black Lives Matter protests that were brewing around the world and starting in Portugal 🤣– lead by a failed hooligan soccer commenter and you know how Europe is with ability to recruit racists using soccer. 🤫

See, when I was young— and apparently, none of the other gang know a damn thing about this stuff— in school, we watched a movie with Robert DeNiro, called “The Mission (1986). ” It was a really good flick that you should go get on DVD or something if you can, and it’s on the top list of best Cinema in America so check it out one day. If you have Apple TV or YouTube premium, it’s included but here are all the places you can pay to stream. This the un-talked about DeNiro flick that is a masterpiece, but it shed light on Portugal for me, because when I first saw it, I didn’t know that Portuguese were involved in slavery at the point, because Americans don’t like to teach anything about slavery in its textbooks, and I went to good schools, mind you. Most American don’t ever learn anything about the slavery the ended up forming America, just like most of the world never learns how any of the Americas were formed, nor how Africa was completely destroyed and colonized by Europeans, INCLUDING PORTUGAL. Hell, in America, they’re trying to make it ILLEGAL to ever teach about slavery because of what American European descendants did to the Africans they stole and brought to America. African descendants from the USA, we look at all this with a completely different eye, because we’ve seen it all before when looking at Portugal. Hell, most of Latin America doesn’t even properly learn how Spain colonized them and made their lives living hell and don’t even know that before African slavery in the Americas, their indigenous people were subjected to a different type of slavery that existed in Spain prior and that their people were dying from the hard labor so Spain/Portugal decided to get Africans instead of indigenous people and changed the slavery system to a brutal form. This is why most people, even if indigenous in central and South America– not in USA, Indigenous here don’t play that game they know the history– celebrate Christopher Columbus day for 1 long week! Well, that praise for Columbus is global in the Latin world, including in Italy, for what he did to those Africans and Indigenous, for Europeans to thrive. Well, Portugal has it’s version of that glow up too, and they want you all to know it, sans the African exploitation that made it all possible. If you expose the horrors of slavery, in the Americas, the pushback and vitriol you will experience is comparable to you trying to do that in Portugal, the parallels are there. You’ll get called “woke” basically, dismissed, and possibly worse. If you look like someone who might talk about such a topic, and try to “free” their Blacks with knowledge, they will fry you in Portugal. This has a lot of Blacks scared to death in Portugal, and so they play ignorant of the past, or they just are ignorant—more on that later. If you watch the movie, The Mission, this is a Robert DeNiro character you’ve never seen before, and the movie won an Oscar, if you didn’t know. DeNiro is a ruthless slave trader and capturer, a colonial beast of a character, who does some things (not trying to spoil it in case you watch it) but it brings him to Jeremy Irons, a Missionary priest, and life has to have another look for DeNiro, at the point of his actions to participate in slavery, and the Catholic church’s role on capturing and converting slaves, not in Africa either! However, the biggest trick was they were converting African to Catholicism FIRST, and it was a huge movement. Now you can understand why you had that Archbishop who was African and the pope didn’t want his black skin to kiss his ring. You can see multiple art works, some of which I’ve snapshotted here, offering up “savage” indigenous people to the catholic churches of Spain or Portugal, to be converted while Portugal or Spain stole the land from under them, in South America. I’ve seen art pieces in Chile like this, offering up naked “savage” indigenous people to the catholic priest who civilized them. 🙄 The people were to become “civilized” or they’d be kllled. This is the battle DeNiro has internally in the movie, and it made me search for answers after that, answers that never came until decades later, when information finally became available, thanks to the Internet. I had known that Spaniards were taking over Latin America, but I had not then learned that Portugal was a major player in stealing slaves and spreading them around the world too at that time— but I originally did make the connection to how the largest population of Black people, outside of Africa, was in Brasil, and not USA. 😳 Well, this is because Portugal was very active in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, as they were the first to exploit Africans directly for slavery, and most people have no damn clue what so ever because it’s the dirty little secret that is NOT SO LITTLE, it’s just a lot of omission of information (letting Spain take all the flack) and rebranding Portugal as the “nicest of all European countries.” Portugal, like Spain, captured, killed and or converted the indigenous populations to Catholicism, exploited their resources, labor, (g}raped, and then went on to Africa, after all those indigenous got wiped out or left, and sent Black slaves that they stockpiled, to form Brasil. This is why Brasil has the genetic makeups they have of mainly indigenous/Black mixes, and 150+ descriptions for the mixes of people’s physical features so as to not be associated with anything that can make another Brasilian NOT see one as a “Black” or “African.” 🙄 I grew up knowing that Portugal was just like the other European nations, it was no better than any other, unlike they like to claim. It says a lot about current people if they cannot address the sins of the people of the past, whom they claim they’re nothing like today. If I’m nothing like the past, I’d just have the discussion to get that talks going, because I’m not like the people of the past. So, if you refuse to have the talks, clearly you’re DEFENDING the people of the past you are only pretending to be different from. According to the government of Portugal, nobody is a patriot and tied to traditional anything. Maybe they should take a look at their country, it’s pretty tied to tradition, in look and spirit, which is attractive to us tourists that it has a traditional look and we go for traditional food and other easter eggs about Portugal.

The term “mulatto” is one such distinction, made up not by Americans but by Spaniards and Portuguese, trying to do racial segregation way before Americans were doing this and it comes from a slang for mixing a donkey and a horse, like a MUTT. It’s supposedly derogatory, but not in Latin America, for some reason. The segregation that Spaniards achieved with these racial distinctions away from being Black was called “sociedad de castas,” basically a caste system, but Brasilians claimed there was no such thing as this because they “race mixed” so much that racial castes don’t exist—then the reality is this here, even today. That same “we bang Black women” excuse is echoed in Portugal, I’ll explain later, but is like Thomas Jefferson who made 6 kids with Black slave Sally Hemings, yet he is the father of scientific racism saying how Blacks are inferior in his one and only book and never granted those Blacks he made freedom!!!! This is what we real Blacks think of your “race mixing” excuse for how you claim your societies are not racist. How about another dominant society figure staunch racist Strom Thurman both banged Black women and made race mixing babies, but were anti-Black all day! We been knew, even 60 minutes blew that story up that the overly racist Strom Thurman (g)raped a 15 year old Black servant and fathered a baby with her, that he shunned. We American Blacks know all this BS you’re trying to spin, we’ve seen it for centuries now, you can’t tell us you’re not racist because you do ghettogaggers on Black women. WE DON’T TRUST YOU! Many refused to call themselves “Black” in Brasil, that’s how they dealt with post Portugal discrimination when left to fend for themselves, and it let you know the mentality instilled in them by Portugal from day 1. However, after Blacks in the USA fought for Civil Rights, Blacks in Brasil looked at that and started to wake up, learned that self-hatred they learned from Portugal and mixed-raced people resulting from people from Portugal and Africans or indigenous people in current day Brasil, did not have to be accepted. Today, many Brasilians will admit they’re mixed-race or Black! That shows a break away from the mentality of Portugal and the colonial mindset. Currently, the few willing to be called Blacks, are tired of being mistreated in Brasil for their racial make-up, and are seeking reparations for their suffering. Brasil, like Portugal, they’re gaslighting everyone, especially Blacks and telling them you’re not oppressed, you never were, we banged your women so there is no racism, shut up, and the Blacks are finally speaking out in outrage. These “race mixing” counter arguments to racism is saying, that you Blacks got thinned out and made less Black, thanks to my non-Black genetics, so that gift of my superior genetics means we can’t be racist! If you think they don’t deserve it, you should watch the documentary on Brasil where you learn that Portugal stole all the riches it could and deserted Brasil entirely, where only less than 1% of people had a tie to Portugal and the 99% of Brasilians were homegrown mixes of people or people left to make lives for themselves after Portugal left them stranded. You can watch this information in a classic documentary entitled “Brazil: An Inconvenient History.” We watched this in school, and it showed me that America was NOT the number 1 exporter of Blacks, it was Portugal who took 10 times as many Blacks from African as America did! We watched Sankofa as kids, we saw this “race mixing” plot already in the 90s which you can too on Netflix, we know how all of this is BS. 😳 This is how you got the largest population of Blacks, outside of Africa, in Brasil and Black Americans are wise to all this stuff that these other Blacks are not even beginning to understand about European colonial BS and re-programming Africans to be subservient and docile. You can watch that Brasilian documentary on Amazon Prime Video. So, this is how I learned about the horror of life for African and indigenous people in the Americans and Africa, at the hands of the colonial forces of Portugal, who were not powerful enough to overtake Spaniard or other European forces like French, in South America, and only had tiny footholds in Africa as opposed to other European nations such as England. Portugal succeeded in dislodging, disrupting and disenfranchising many Blacks and what would become “Latinos.” And I told you that Brasil is seeking reparations in 2024, but WHO is going to give them money, the government of Brasil, or should they be looking to Portugal to come up off some funds for creating the mess they did in the name of colonization and nation building of Portugal? 🤔 Most say to take that up with Brasil, but here is why the trip to Portugal bothered me, because from my groups, I was the only one who knew the colonial rebranding that Portugal was doing there, and Portugal does not want to hear shlt about slavery, racism, Brasil injustice, Africa or Asia! You bring any of these topics up to Portugal and they’ll put a beat down on you, especially now with the right-wing government and their version of Nationalists and Patriots they have in Portugal. You are not to discuss politics with anyone, that much the American European descendants are universally right about. So, unlike some of the others on my team, when I went to see the much advertised “Monument to the Discoveries” in Lisbon, Portugal, I realized that oh lord, these people are “slavery deniers!” 😳 The way they go on about that monument, the many tours to it, the articles about it, there is a LOT of important information missing when you learn about the Monument to the Discoveries monument, the part that makes Blacks and Latinos not want to go to Portugal, that part is conveniently missing about the Monument’s significance, if you get your information from Portuguese tour guides. Oh yes, there are major slave deniers there, and although I didn’t get time to investigate Portugal like I wanted, I definitely felt some anti-people-with-my-features resentment or otherism, even on tours where guards tried to not allow me to get into venues with the group I came with, and in restaurants we went to eat it— my tour director had to knock the arms of the guards or the wait staff out of the way to not block me from entering a few venues, because they thought I was some Black trying to get into places I’m not allowed, despite me having branding of the tour company, despite me talking with other people on the tours and despite me sometimes even speaking with the tour director when I was being stopped. The most aggressive were the guards at many of these attractions because out of a whole crowd, they would make a BEE-LINE for me, skip over all the Europeans and descendants, Asians and anyone with fair skin, and they’d get right up in my face, extending their arms out to me to attempt to break me up from the group I was coming in with, and if the tour directors were too slow to intercept those guys, then I’d do wrist control on them until the tour director came—to let them know, I will beat their asses if they get aggressive and they don’t have the drop on me. There is something in the air in Portugal.

Touring the various government buildings was the worst, and I’m sure there would have been crazy stupidity had I not been part of a tour with people who could be witness and vouch for me, on a tour when going to these places. My personal technique, when wanting to see major religious structures, or government buildings, or landmarks, whatever is popular and there will be hundreds of people on lines, is to get on tour, any tour, TripAdvisor, local tour companies, any tour, because they skip the line and you get the tour director to deal with these fvcking moron guards who despite you having a ticket and permission to be somewhere, they will try to kick you out or make it so you don’t get to enjoy the venue you paid to get into. I had 5 encounters where the guardians/custodians of the venue tried to separate me from my group on the same tour, to deny me entrance as if I didn’t belong with the privileged group. 5 times!!!! The first time, the tour director was in the front shuffling people in while I was calmly telling the guard that he is separating me from my group. When the tour director saw I was not with the group, after doing her count, she came back to the entrance to find me off to the side talking with a dismissive guard from Portugal. He wasn’t hearing anything I said, he didn’t care, and if I did something he was going to call the cops. The cops were nearby, so I knew to play it cool and they’re looking over though, waiting to see if they should swoop in. I played it cool; I knew the director would peek around the corner looking for me and she did. She screamed something in Portuguese to him, under her breath, it didn’t sound kind, and he just rolled his eyes and dismissively let me get in, finally. The group looked at me confused, not knowing WTF I was doing and why I was taking up valuable time from the tour, but I was stopped by the guards. I quickly looked at the police, as I was finally given entrance, and they must see so much of that nonsense that they figured they’d not embarrass themselves, so they didn’t bother to engage nor get cared after I got in. I know they spotted me when I arrived with the group, KNEW I was with the group, but untrained moron guards of the venue, they were too civilian to know that they should leave their biases at home. This is how it kept happening back-to-back-to-back at just about all places I went in Portugal! I asked the tour guides what the problem and they was didn’t want to elaborate, they’d simply say like typical things for Portugal that one should expect when coming to Portugal. After I heard this enough, I had to investigate WTF I was getting myself into, because I had 5 days in Portugal, various locations, and it was time to bone up on Portugal hatred, so I could be aware. It didn’t matter if I blended in with a group, was already talking to people in the group, had tour company gear/tags, had camera/video gear that cost more that the guard or waiter salary for a year, didn’t matter, I was getting that Portugal otherization one way or another! Then, towards the end, I started to notice that I was getting this from AMERICAN European descendants. In one place we went in Porto, Portugal, the local guide who was hired— who had to intervene on my behalf because of stupidity the guides were all chopping up to just being in Portugal— told me that a competing local guide was annoying me and who was trying to boss me out of a room of the location we were exploring, was an AMERICAN immigrant who moved to Portugal. My group entered a room that had 5 European women in it, nobody batted an eye, they paid to get into the location, so they were free to look around as they wanted. I couldn’t see the sculpture in the room because too many people were in the room, so I had to wait for people to move out of the room so I could finally see what the purpose of going into that small room was about. As I’m doing this, a woman with a perfect American accent is trying to push our group OUT of the room, for a group she was leading to get into it, because it’s starting to pack up in the venue. While my group is moving out in a circular motion, and I’m not at the point to see the statue and read the plaque, I hear that annoying American voice talking to me “excuse me, you are NOT supposed to be in here now, your group is leaving, and you must leave NOW!” I looked at this idiot woman and my guide was RIGHT THERE looking for the BS then said something to her in Portuguese, she backed down for a second, and just stared hard. My guide thought it was strange that the American European descendant woman would act like that towards me since she wasn’t from Portugal, and I quickly informed the tour guide that this bum lady is in Portugal because she can’t cut it as an American in America, and came to Portugal to escape everything America, so she’s over in Portugal being a “Karen.” Her life was so hard as an American European for race and gender privileges in the USA that she had to FLEE for Portugal. 🤣 I showed the tour guide a video of a Karen, she laughed, and said “that’s exactly who she is!” To put that extra sauce on it, I like to point out the unusual behavior to others, like how I pointed out those European women in the room with us were not from out group or the Karen’s group, and she didn’t say ANYTHING to them, didn’t tell them to clear out, why only me? Sometimes, I pretend to be sad, so I can rub these people’s faces in their people’s stupidity towards non-European/ non-European descendants. You have to, to let them know that you SEE THEM and how they behave normally, but it’s good to get the good ones talking about that stuff. MLK said just point it out so they can look at themselves. We travel all the way to Portugal, just to see folks be flagrant here too. And yes, many people were coming up to me about such things. They’ll also understand that when folks get violated for treating you unfairly and targeted, they’ll know why it happened and cosign you knocking someone out— not that I’m doing that, but just saying, some people have less restraint and have had TOO MUCH of this nonsense happen to them that they snap. You have to diffuse the tension with comedy, but after already 4 incidents like this, other people on my tour started looking at me strange because I’m just minding my business and I’m getting this hostility, so now, the worst thing that could happen happened, they start questioning ME about why these people are coming at me out of NOWHERE with stupidity. I’d simply ask for clarification as to find out “do you think it’s something I’m doing? If so, please tell me so I can rectify the situation” and they would all tell me that they were watching too and it’s clear I’m being targeted by people everywhere I go and I haven’t even said a word, but nobody is bothering THEM! They couldn’t put their fingers on why so many people were being annoying to only me, it just didn’t come to their minds, they were flabbergasted. 🤣 Racism? You don’t have enough proof to make such a claim, so I’d surely never say that, not in THESE cases anyway, but my physical is absolutely different from every group on the tours, and in neighboring tours we came in contact with at these venues, so it’s highly likely something physical, but what evidence does one have to concretely say what it is? Portugal is just not the best with customer service and being social like we are in the USA, right?

As my travels progressed, and I found some free time to do some other activities around Portugal, I booked tickets to a few events and since Portugal is with the modern ages with their tourism, each venue has a way to electronically send you tickets, so you just use your phone to get in. For people who are in the stone ages of traveling, they go stand online for hours, at the venues in Portugal, trying to gain entry. I either go with a group, as I said, or the other thing is to find out of online booking is possible and get the window for which you are allowed to enter venues, then go right in. I did just this. I arrived at 2 different venues, but the same stupidity happened in both. There are signs for people with online tickets vs people without online tickets. Nobody was on the online-ticket lines, they were all crowded up as last-minute idiots buying ticket to many of the events in Portugal those nights. One event, I arrive, I see the line separations, clearly marked on signs, I got the ones with the QR code to scan on your phone or print-out since it’s online purchase, but the guards have not returned yet. I walk in, read the signs—I read a little Portuguese and it’s like Spanish in some cases— then I head to go queue up in anticipation for the guard to get back from taking the trip up the elevator with a group of people who were already first in line. Now, when I arrive, I see people looking at me being all decisive, knowing where I need to go, and I hear them whispering, then outright saying “hey, the line is over here, buddy” in their American European descendant condescending voices. I ignore them, because now I’m going to hope they make a scene so I can shame them publicly, calmly, because I already saw from the window that there are 2 lines and the guard take the first line of people upstairs already, as I approached. They don’t know this. I go queue up in that online-tickets line that is separated with those row separators with the seatbelt type straps you see in customs, and the sign the clearly said “online-ticket line” and after the mob is now talking about how I’m skipping the line, to themselves, an Asian guy I thought was smarter than that, comes over to me and tell me “you’re in the wrong line, go over there!” I look him up and down, and ask “who the fvck are YOU supposed to be?” He said, “nobody of your concern” so I told him to “then get out of my face and go take YOUR place in line.” You know what this moron does? He now says something stupid under his breath and then squeezes past me to STAND IN FRONT OF ME on the online-ticket line. I just look at him and then I go back to listening to my music. I don’t care what he is doing, he can skip me, it’s only he and me on this online-ticket line so I don’t make a scene because I know even this bookworm moron didn’t read the instructions and doesn’t have an online-ticket. I’m not going to tell HIM, like I’m not telling the line, I want to make these morons shut the fvck up. The guard finally arrives with the elevator, comes up to the Asian he pushed past me and asked to see the QR code ticket— but as the guard is quizzing the Asian, the European descendants are complaining to the guard about me skipping them and their privilege, and how I think I’m superior to them (yes a guy said that) and how I think I’m going to skip all of these people who were smart enough to come before me (yes they were saying this). Then the Asian starts talking to the guard to report me too, mind you he is in front of me on this line, so he’s really out-of-pocket. As she silences the other line, and focuses on this Asian guy, while looking at me as I have my phone out with my QR CODE ready to be scanned. She told the Asian guy to back up, and then asked for his ticket code, which he DID NOT BUY! So, now, I flavor it up and told her that this guy skipped me on the line, he doesn’t even have a ticket, I point to the sign that said it is clearly the ONLINE-TICKET LINE, I point out that the moron crowd on the regular ticket line are idiots too, and I give them all the finger and tell the Asian guy to get the fvck out of the way. This socially inept MORON was trying to please the European crowd, making a stupid show, which I knew he would make a fool out of himself that’s why I patiently waited for the guard to come back from escorting the first line up, and it worked out so wonderfully. I enjoyed shutting morons up. Unlike these bums, I did the homework beforehand and I bought tickets online and I checked with another guard prior to entering that building and he pointed me to the elevator line through the glass of the building. I was exactly where I was supposed to be. When the Europeans and this Asian dude saw me, their privilege they thought they had made them feel I should be at the back of the line because no way should I be on a different line, to get in before them. This is when I realized, oooooooh ok… so what was really happening was a racial and socio-economical hierarchical chess-match and these other people felt they were better than ME actually. They were trying to put me in my place, where they unanimously agreed I should be in the line they were stuck in, last place. This is what people are really complaining about when they are in Portugal and they are Black or Latino, there is constantly someone trying to put you at the bottom of the hierarchy, and you must constantly signal for idiots to know that you are equal to, if not better than, THEM, when you travel to Portugal. I had a lady from Spain talk crap to me because I had a better seat than she did, on a boat, and she came over to me and told me to MOVE, because she couldn’t see well. The audacity, and guess what, another woman, unrelated, joined in and told me to get out of that woman’s way and do what she says and to know my place! That was WILD to hear, but they’re talking shlt in Spanish, so when I fired back, then they quieted down, but I had to not make a scene because I knew that they’re form solidarity just like these two unrelated women combined to try to gang up on me to tell me to move out of arguably the best seat in the boat we were on. If these unrelated people could gang up, then who else would gang up on me? I noticed, “uhhh that’s the crap I hate about Europe rearing its ugly head!” They felt they were more privileged than me, so they would bully me and tell me where I should go, somewhere else! The woman was mad my seat was better and I got it before her, and she was determined to make my time there on the boat bad. She was talking stupidity the whole time behind me, people were looking at her crazy. Then, when I left to go to another are for better vantage point, she quickly took the seat, proving she was mad that I had the better seat, mind you, she quickly rushed and cut me off to get the seat she took, thinking SHE WAS LEAVING ME THE BAD SEAT that I took. When she learned the error, she wanted me to MOVE so she could take the better seat. She also made a threat and I told her I’d like to see her go through with that threat, and she didn’t know how to respond. She must be talking normally to those Africans who are scared of her or something. You have this with many people who are not even from Portugal, so it’s not just a Portugal issue, it’s the reason most of us don’t give a damn about Europe and don’t care to be in Europe.

You can feel the stares of people, all around, everywhere you go in Portugal, even in Lisbon in certain areas, and you’ll be made to feel you don’t belong there and you shouldn’t be doing the privileged things you’re doing, as someone who doesn’t look like a European. You can go in a restaurant, and nobody will serve you because they’re serving everyone else but you, first. That, Portugal is known for—but one could argue the bad service overall claim. Europeans will unite under the banner of their hatred for you, no matter where they’re from, and that happened on that boat with those two ladies who didn’t know each other! I know millionaire Blacks and Latinos who won’t DARE set foot in these kinds of places like Portugal, because they’re tired of getting disrespected, and of course, I’m only talking about MEN who would express this sentiment, because the Black women and Latinas can’t wait to try to go to places like Portugal to show off and play that kind of flexing game with all these people, trying to prove to strangers, their worth. We talked about this in a previous piece, you have Auntie culture of Black and Latina women who wish they were Europeans so they play pretend European female so they can blend in places like Portugal, only to get the very nonsense I experienced over and over in Portugal, as well as Spain. I’ve talked about this in a few other pieces like when a Kween didn’t want to sit near me on a boat and she got verbally assaulted by some racist Austrian who was overt with the racism, and she came crawling over to sit with me only after realizing, YOU AIN’T WHITE, STUPID, and this ain’t AMERICA! Portugal is NOT America, Portugal doesn’t give a damn about your Black arse and you pretending to be rich and important, it’s not going to work, everyone visiting or living there, thinks you are at the bottom of the importance pole! They see those African migrants scamming and selling goods on the streets and associate you to them. And why would some American Black think it’s better in Europe when no Blacks in Europe ever had a Civil Rights for their people, all those Black actors in Europe have to come to America to get jobs and can’t in their own country, and more importantly, the perception of Blacks as lowest class pee-ons exists here in America because you just saw a presidential debate where Trump implied that Blacks are so low that the jobs for the proletariat, that the migrants are taking, are “Black jobs.” 😳 We are seen as the lowest form of human being by many Europeans, their descendants, Asians and even Africans. Only Kweens don’t seem to ever get this in their thick skulls, so they spend a lifetime trying to beg these other people for acceptance and try to not get this criticism aimed at them, which is why they are forever trying to copycat European women, so much so that they’re getting surgeries to make themselves less Black. You know, if you constantly face that nonsense I saw in Portugal and Spain, it might drive you so crazy that you start acting like these defeated and deflated Kweens! Oh, and I saw Asians taking Ls left and right while traveling in Europe, getting disrespected left and right. You go to Europe and there are so many Asians, that the Europeans can’t stand it, and openly say it—but that want that money though so shop owners won’t ever say this. The way the guard at the online-ticket line talked to that Asian who cut me in line but didn’t have online tickets— who was clearly a moron with the way he was acting by standing in front of me in line to make show— whew that was a very demeaning tone, and another guard ushered him to the very back of the line, showing him the line going now around the corner, the kept eyeballing him to make sure he didn’t move. 🤡 I knew it was going to happen, I just let him happen, to teach lessons, because I know it would have happened to me if I got ignorant and all those Europeans would come down on me! Portugal will not hesitate to let you know your place in the food chain, boy! They gave him that they not like us treatment and it was funny. I’ve only ever seen Asians get completely violated, in Europe, but to think that couldn’t happen to me, nah, I know it could easily, and in Portugal, they constantly try to let you know you’re not like them, tourists and citizens alike. There is only 1 woman influencer who would dare admit how racist it can get in these places like Spain, but the only way to get around it, if you’re Black, is to let it be known you’re an American Black, not any other Black, not any variety of Black, no Caribbean, no Dominican, certainly never some African… you have to be FBA when you travel, or you’re going to get VIOLATED! She confirmed what the men told me about traveling to Europe, something that I don’t find Black women or Latinas every admitting to. However, she’s not American, so this is why she is giving the real testimony that our folks here won’t do because they’re too busy trying to pretend to be Divas in Europe, which you can’t pull off if you admit you’re not getting any respect by Europeans in Europe. 🤣 If you pretend to be some fancy Black of African nationality in a European country, you’re getting VIOLATED! Like this African Kween here, who couldn’t pull off ’90 day fiance’ story so she resorted to bedwenchery to a European, while on vacation in Portugal, married and had kids so moved there– love is love but when you have 10000 posts online praising your kids and husband for being European and not like yourself, to escape the racism and pressure where she came from, that FLEEing is sickening and doesn’t work. This is not unique to Europe because in America, the worst European supremacists where the backstabbing Kweens like Alice Walker, and when they were doing anti-Black male misandry, you look at who they married they had European descendant partners, and that pattern is hard to ignore, such as Alice Walker, or more known ones socially accepted like Mya Angelou, Audrey Lorde, and all were Black Phlegminists who hate Black men but went our there married European descendant men, so this is more than a coincidence. Bedwenches and their incel men cite some ancient study that says Black women happiest with European/European descendant men because they HAD a higher rate of marriage than other groups. Yeah, decades ago studies were slanted and may have said that, but these bedwenches MUST commit to mental poisoning, or end up looking stupid like Jodie Turner who got shlt on by her European descendant and was trying to force something that was never there as that link clearly highlights, which of course that Euro dude went and got him another self hater, Lupita Nyolongolullu right after. Desperation can be seen and smelled with bedwenches, easy peasy-headed conquests. I was eating lunch at a table in Lisbon, Portugal near some Kweens who were ghetto loud bragging about how superior European men are to Black men, and all their talking points, and I could only wonder– “who was this talk really meant for?” They were priasing one of their friends who got bedwenched that week by a stranger in a bar, and the other 200+ lbs-ers did not get lucky yet, on the dating apps or in person. 👏🏼 I came in and there were already talking about this topic and laughing, and unfortunately the restaurant seated me near them, at the bar with my back to them, so they didn’t even SEE ME come in either. I looked and I saw packs of European men at adjacent tables with no women, and I understood why these Kweens were advertising their bedwenchery so loud and self-loathing– they were trying to get these European males, which clearly didn’t work as the men ignored them. Kweens get ignored in Europe, it’s sad, and when someone does bite it’s some right-wing looking for an easy layup. Like I said, Kweens go there and don’t see any racism, even when someone sets it on them, they can’t come back and tell FBA how bad it was or they look stupid after bragging anything Europe is the salvation to Kweens. They love to pretend it’s all good, just “race mixing” it up, that cures racism and is their escapism– more on that later. They don’t play that pretend-to-be-a-European white people stuff in Portugal, know your lanes, Kweens. Euros also know an FBA will buss that arse if you get out of line, while an African will be docile and get violated like a good pet who is used to being subservient. Same for Kweens, if they get out of line, the Euros don’t care where she’s from, they’ll VIOLATE her like this. I’ve seen many Kweens violated on the years, but it’s normally after me only noticing them because they were trying to pretend to be European descendants on vacation, and those people showed the Kweens that there is no racial equality in Europe. I’m not defending a DAMN thing there, negro wake up calls are just going to have to be handed out! I also noticed a lot of bootlick Kweens out there, and I see why the keep crying to American Europeans that there are no Kweens in white shows about white life, trying to bully all European descendants into putting them into their lives– I saw it a lot in Europe with token broads pretending like little girls playing with dolls at a tea party, pretending to be European descendants. This is what they wish, to be included in European life as much as possible, and that’s the goal overseas. So when I asked some Kweens from Portugal, their opinions of life, they have no answers to NOTHING, they know NOTHING, they just guy weaves and eat European food and travel– I gathered this from talking to them or them talking to me FIRST. They’re just waiting on their jackpot of a European man freeing them from their Black misery. 🤦🏽♀️ How the hell can you get reparations with these people as the Blacks of Portugal? As an FBA, you better learn this is places like Portugal, because they violate African and Asians like crazy, so, the low opinion that they have of you is because they have a low opinion of these people over there, who never push back and get violated left and right like slaves—which is the last point I want to make. See, when I got to this one place in Lisbon, Portugal, that’s when things came together for me, because I started seeing all these dark-skinned people, as Sara Silverman jokes with a couple more “As” in it – Blaaaaaaaaaaaack! 🤣 Definitely directly descendants of Africa, and I was wondering where they came from. Those ones I saw in Portugal, they likely are newer immigrants, but from my earlier studies, I remembered that Portugal was out there colonizing South America, Africa and Asia. I wondered, where would those African who were stolen from Africa reside? Where were they? I can tell you where many are, they are BURIED UNDER THE STREETS OF PORTUGAL BECAUSE PORTUGAL PAVED OVER THE BLACKS THEY DISPOSED OF IN MASS GRAVES, and primarily in Lisbon, Portugal.

When I got to Portugal, unfortunately, I had a packed schedule and I really wish I had taken more time out to spend more time there because I ended up learning a touristy bunch of gems from locals I talked to. In Lisbon, Portugal, for instance, I spoke to 1 guy who told me about there being some “history of slavery” tours that were available in Lisbon. I didn’t see this listed on TripAdvisor so I didn’t even think that was a thing. I did know, however, that if Lisbon was the biggest city and capital of Portugal is Lisbon, that had to mean that if Portugal did bring any slaves back to Portugal, from Africa or Brasil, they certainly would have to have been brought back to the ports of Lisbon. Doing some digging, I came across the sources I needed and although I didn’t have time to take the tour, I did ultimately find THIS SLAVE HISTORY TOUR in Lisbon, Portugal, named “Discovering Lisbon’s African Heritage” or something or the likes, there are 2 tours like this, led by a local African Heritage guide groups named Batoto Yetu Portugal or some other company. You can get a 3-5 hour walking tour but need 2 people minimum, and it’s like $200 Euro for up to 4 people. If you are there, take the tour, but the reader’s digest version is that between the 15th and 19th centuries, ~6 million (5.8 officially documented) Africans were brought to Portugal by force, unlike the Muslims and Arabs, who came there on their own free will or were already there since times of the Moors when they gave up against Portugal and Spain. Africans were stolen and brought back, which one would figure, but most of what you learn about Portugal’s involvement in slavery would have you believe that they colonized Blacks where they were, outside of Portugal only, meaning in the African countries directly, or in Brasil, and kept Blacks there. Now we know that 6 million Blacks ended up in Portugal, by force, but if you traveled Portugal, outside of Lisbon, you would find absolutely no signs whatsoever that Blacks even existed in Portugal! There have been a few write-ups of things you learn on this tour, so I’d love to do it at a later date! This is what piqued my interest, how the hell are Blacks so invisible in Portugal given that number of slaves brought into Portugal and the many I saw in Lisbon (only)? When I asked European descendant Portuguese people about this number of slaves (~6 mill), they denied it, and said it was not possible that this many could have ever been brought into Portugal. So, even people in Portugal don’t know crap about their hand in slavery and as I started asking more questions, I found that people don’t want to even discuss it. There is a reason though, for Portugal not being almost entirely African, but you’d have to investigate how those slaves were being transported and what Portugal’s ultimate plan was in transporting them. Yeah, it’s like the USA, Portugal has a slavery denial problem. While Britain likes to pat itself of the back for ending slavery, flaunts it every time they get like when they do apology tours, mind you Britain heavily profited from slavery worldwide because they were second behind the number of slaves owned, behind Portugal of course. So their spin is they can gloat that the ended slavery, that’s their colonial rebranding. This piece is about Portugal and its rebranding effort. Everyone in Portugal has selective amnesia when it comes to how slaves fit into this bragging about their sea ventures and discoveries, it seems. When you go to Lisbon, one of the biggest highlights is for you to go to a section for you to see what is the called the “Monument to the Discoveries.” This is an amazing work of art, let me tell you, very powerful, positioned in a symbolic manner, a huge monument constructed on a port at the Tagus River. The advertisement for the location is to celebrate Portugal having success in trading with Asian countries and opening the world up to development. That’s how the rebranding is positioned. When I heard that, I knew something was complete BS about that. Who the hell would put such effort into making a statue because merchants were trading spices with Asian countries? Nah, Portugal has something they were hiding about the significance of that monument, so I had to go find out what it’s really about. I went to research the people ON THE MONUMENT, and that gave the clues to what it really about, while they put it under the banner of what Europe calls the “Age of Discovery,” or the “Age of Exploration,” which is European countries getting rich off of sailing to African and current day Americas, (g)raping, pillaging, stealing resources, colonizing the poeple and enslaving indigenous and African peoples to build up their countries from the profits of slavery! The map of their imperialism can be seen here. This is why all of the Western countries, including most of Central and South America, celebrate the Italian pirate Christopher Columbus who went to the Americans, and the Portuguese pirate Ferdinand Magellan going the opposite direction to “discover” Asia. Most people in the world do not even know that Magellan existed, I knew this guy because before GOOGLE, there was a search browser named Magellan (get it, an ‘explorer’ / ‘searcher’) which was named after him, but most people only know of Christopher Columbus—and don’t know he was a failed drunkard who screwed up a LOT and is discredited in history books. Magellan actually is the one who made the sail around the globe, he should be credited more. Christopher Columbus is overhyped, as is John Cabot of Canada. Read the accounts of Bartolome de las Casas about Columbus, Columbus was a BUM and tyrant, Columbus was a failed loser! He is the one who was reporting all the tyranny by Spaniards! There was another Spaniard pirate, Juan Sebastián Elcano, and both he and Magellan failed in Asia trying to impose their wills., Magellan got DUSTED in the Philippines, and Elcano’s crew self-imploded on themselves, destroying themselves from the inside, because there were not explorers, these were pillagers, plunderers and pirates, who FAILED, and that’s why we never hear of them or talk about them and only hear of Columbus! Columbus was such a screw up, he was a tyrant, he was a drunkard, he made many errors and after all his terrible work was exposed to the Spaniards, Ferdinand and Isabella dismissed Columbus for being a constant screw up. They stripped him of all accolades and never assigned him to the royal court! He kept charting the wrong courses and getting LUCKY in the “new world,” but remember he was after India and screwed up and ended up in the Caribbean. He was so bad, he named Caribbean places “West Indies” because clearly, they intended to find Indians from INDIA, the country. This is why we call Indigenous people of the Americans “Indians,” for the stupidity of Christopher Columbus and his constant failures! Christopher Columbus, since DAY 1, had 1 goal for the Spanish crown, FIND ASIA! You know what he never did? HE never found Asia! He failed! Over and over! His last voyage was to find the Strait of Malacca, so he could open up trade with Asian if he could get to the Indian Ocean, and he FAILED!!!! Goa, India, that was a Portuguese colony claim, so Portugal made it to India– then proclaimed to be the first Europeans to make it to India so they DISCOVERED and CONQUERED INDIA, in their story. That’s part of their national pride. So, because he didn’t find India in 1492, he found the Caribbean, he just started calling it the West Indies and crowned himself genius. 🤡 Based on some research I did in Seville, Spain, the main who should get all the credit for his hand in this pillaging and “discoveries” is a man named Bartolomé de las Casas, who travelled with Columbus, documented everything, and is known as a major architect behind the PRE-SLAVERY system called “encomienda,” which they ran on the indigenous people they enslaved and colonized, in addition to the Philippines— which you’ll now understand why they kllled off Magellan over there, when they got the chance! Philippines was wise to the nonsense! First Spaniards ran encomienda on Jewish and Muslims after conquering them in place in Spain, and after perfecting this slavery-landlord system, then it went global. Portugal though, had that different plan going, the key to knowing the difference between paths chosen by Portugal and Spain comes down to who is very much celebrated in Portugal, it’s about NOT Columbus either, and most people have zero idea of the figure more important that Columbus, outside of Portugal. The person of important to Portugal is an explorer who needs more credit in terms of colonizers, Henry the Navigator!

Portugal has put in a monument that points to who they cite as the MAN that helped the get going in terms of making a society, via the waterways, because all the gains to form all of modern Europe (per Portugal), is because of Henry the Navigator. This is when I learned, that all that marketing BS has nothing to do with celebrating how they were trading spices with Asia! The pamphlets you read say that the Monument to the Discoveries is about Asian voyage, such bullshlt. The monument has Henry the Navigator at the helm of it, along with 33 other “pioneers” of exploration and exploitation, ranging from monarchs, explorers, to even the missionaries who carried the word of Catholicism to oppress and colonize people in Africa, Asia and South America, like you will see in that movie I mentioned earlier, The Mission. There is no Cristobal Colon aka Christopher Columbus, that was not the Portuguese mission that Columbus was a part of, so he’s not on that monument and he’s not their people. Henry the Navigator was a prince, Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu, son of King John I of Portugal. This is the guy who perfected traversing the North Atlantic to do a bend-it-like-Beckham style sailing technique with the winds to carry you to your destination, which for him was Africa. He knew all the trade winds, so he knew exactly how to navigate out of Lago, Portugal to Africa, because remember this is BEFORE motorized boats, so this was all sails and winds, and if you didn’t know how the winds blew east, you were going to fail—like Columbus, who jacked Henry the Navigator’s work. 🤦🏽♀️ As it related to Columbus, he is not exactly separated from Portugal. He came back from the new world and went to Lisbon, Portugal, to let the King of Portugal know of the potential he had discovered, BEFORE, he went to back to report back to the Spain monarch, who hired him. Columbus was MESSY here. This moron Columbus almost started a war between Spain and Portugal doing this, this was another screwup on his part, and they has to sign the “Treaty of Tordesillas” because Columbus ran his mouth to Portugal and Portugal sent threats to Spain to stay OUT of the land SOUTH of Canary islands, due to violations of the Treaty of Alcáçovas. Spain and Portugal had that treaty to stay away from each other’s “discoveries” and even the lands not YET discovered, they were claiming. So, these two countries decided they’d split the world up between only the two of them. However, the other Catholic nations, the England and France mainly, disrespected both of them and violated these two, so they disrespected their treaties and said the world is open to them too. This began the race to claim land, but to do this, it required resources most didn’t have. Spain and Portugal got greedy and got caught, but all were working for Catholics and the enrich Catholics, so there way the rest of Catholic Europe was not going to get in on this, and we got the offical transatlantic slave trade period from this. So, the Monument to the Discoveries is a tribute to Portugal exploration that bypassed a lot of Arabs (Moors mainly), and other Europeans, who were the gatekeepers to trade if they conquered a port, and that’s what Henry the Navigator is also known for, which led to great African trade, and ultimately, conquest and destruction of African life, so of course, if they’re proud of this discovery, and it’s part of national pride. Why would Portugal give a damn about celebrating bringing back African slaves to Portugal? The Arabs were doing slavery to all other Africans for centuries before, and now the Portuguese got the idea from them to get slaves themselves. Henry the Navigator is famous for showing Portugal how to go steal Blacks directly from African without having to pay Arabs or trade spices for Black lives, it’s documented. 👏🏼 Knowing how to rides waves from Portugal to Africa is what he is credited for. They wanted in on what Arabs were profiting from, slavery. Arabs were known for selling off Black slaves, the sub-Saharan Africans, like from current day Nigeria, and other Arabs. This is how Nigerians learned to have self-hatred and sold off their own people, which was the Dahomey tribe doing that back then, selling other Blacks to Europeans, when the Europeans wanted to be more diplomatic about obtaining slaves, as opposed to just conquering and stealing Blacks like Portugal was doing. Who wants to talk about that if you’re a Euro, that you’d all be 3rd world nations if not for stealing Blacks and putting them into slavery? Such a downer! It’s like the USA, who doesn’t want to talk anything about the wrongs the ancestors of Portugal did in the path to establish the country, and that mirrors the people in the USA who ban even talks about how slavery was performed in the USA. That of course led me to try to find out if there was denial about bringing slaves to Portugal and if there were any attempts by any Blacks in Portugal to try to bring light to this situation, to claim their places in history and outline what was lifelike and how did they get by to this day. Henry the Navigator, he was the key, because officially, before there was even a Brasil, which was the REMOTE SLAVERY operation of Portugal, there was Cape Verde, Africa, and since Mr Navigator was able to circumvent those Arab gatekeepers, he landed at that west of Africa, where the Blacks were, and Cape Verde was a slave colony in the 1500s, which Portugal created. This point on, this is when they brought the Africans back en mass, and their number 1 export was sugar, which they produced in plantation in Cape Verde, Africa, and on neighboring Islands Portugal controlled. Lisbon had the most Africans because this was the busiest slave port of all of Portugal, and this is the real “Discoveries” that are celebrates so much by Portugal. They discovered the key to slave labor by produces like sugar which helped them trade and get wealthy all off of the backs of Blacks. Portugal stole, or traded for, so many Blacks that they not only sent them to Brasil but also supplies slaves to Spain, Denmark, Britain, France and Netherlands! These countries didn’t have the material to makes good nor the people to work their struggling industrial efforts, so the resources so trade was needed. The way to do this was to go to those Africans who sold other Africans and give them goods for slaves too. So, slaves were capital. So, when you have Portugal talk about these “discoveries” we’re mainly talking about how they would run the plays to get more slaves, so they could produce more sugar, so they could sell it to pay for other good for other industries and more slaves, and this whole system was repeated with the other European nations, enriching all involved. You want copper, brass, glass… guns? How to do this by cutting out the middleman thirsty Africans, after Portugal has so many slaves that the Spanish crown could just order when needed, to ship to Hispaniola, current day Haiti/Dominican Republic. That’s the “discoveries” they celebrate to much in Portugal. Due to the Catholic church pimping out Africans using Catholicism, when Portugal and Spain were involved in wars, it allowed the Church to move operations to Germany, which picked up the mantle as the powerhouse for slave trade, and also allowed the other Catholic nations to gain power with slavery. Way to go there, under the name of God! I think the Catholic church needs to cut a reparations check too, what do you say Black people of Portugal? And if you’re asking yourself, why was all this sugar production so important and lucrative business, well, look how you can’t stop eating things with sugar today—it’s a greater pleaser to the human body than a hit of cocaine. They were peddling sugar-crack! This was the ‘drug’ of the times, sugar! If you go to Lisbon, you will see an art piece that is a nod to the sugar cane fields that Portugal profited so heavily from, in their “discoveries” here. Angola was the top spot for slave dealings in Africa when Portugal ran it. The total of slaves that were “officially” transferred by all major nations is documented HERE, and you can see, just under 6 million (5,848,266) of the 12.5 million were from Portugal’s handling– Netherlands had a run as number 2 for a while too, another racist nation that is hostile towards Blacks. When Germany dominated the slave trade, there were trade routes right out of Lisbon into Hamburg. Germany, you’re next, let’s see how well YOU hide your slave dealing history, on a future trip! But you have to ante up too like you did for other groups! So that, in a nutshell, is what the discoveries is so important to Portugal. Their goal was to be the world traders exploiting Blacks to do it. Oh, and in 2018, a group tried to put a slave master boasting companion museum next to the Monument to the Discoveries, named the “Museum of the Discoveries” and it, it was going to double down on the purpose of that monument, to show off Portugal as the leader in the African slave trade that changed the world. All the stuff I’m saying now, that’s the purpose of the museum except Portugal would tout pro slavery and the abuse they doled out to Africans and triumph and national pride. Many people feel national pride over what they did to those Africans, this is what you must understand about Portugal. That museum was going to be built until people started bringing up expose the slavery and BAM that dream to being that museum through DIED instantly. Portugal does NOT want to talk about slavery being a bad thing, but it’s the greatest achievement and only thing Portugal has going for it, historically, thus this Monument to the Discoveries overhyping. That was scrapped and now you have the Pop museum there instead. Oh, I found a plaque at the site of the monument, thinking it was one of those ones acknowledging slavery, except I immediately realized it was not because it has an English translation. Upon inspection, to pat Portugal on the back for their contribution to Black oppression, the SOUTH AFRICAN UNION gave them a windrose, and the plaque was donated for their excellent conquering of Africa, in 1960 when they rebuilt the monument. Why did Salazar order it to be re-built then? Because the African colonies were putting up resistance to colonial rule, and the Monument was created to convince Portugal of nationalist, pride in their oppression and colonialism, and THAT is the real story of the monument in the form you see now, because it was jut an art piece 20 years before to be demolished right after. You know what kind of treatment the South African Union was doing to Blacks in Africa, during this period? APARTHEID FROM 1948 to 1994! Salazar regime ordered the rebuilding of the Monument to the Discoveries, and it was to promote nationalism, and European supremacy, and then the Compass Rose (Rosa dos Ventos) at ground level to the monument, is a companion to the monument given by South Africa to Portugal, as a bonding of Euro supremacy from one racist group who oppressed Africans to another. South Africa’s oppressive regime was saying thank you to Portugal for the power that these Europeans ultimately gained by opening up the enslavement of Africans to Europeans. That’s why the Monument to the Discoveries really rubbed me the wrong way when I saw it.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed my trip to Portugal, it was amazing, landscape-wise, but the rebranding and spinning effort, that upset me and made me type this while on that trip, while the info was fresh in my head. I went to MANY different locations in Portugal too, that’s why I put so many photos in this piece. This gaslighting rebranding makes onlooking Black Portuguese people not know how to process the aggression they’re seeing in the form of denial and spin-doctoring as Portugal scrambles to not look like the ultimately villain due to their pivotal role in the Transatlantic slave trade. And that’s why we hate going to Europe, because the things they celebrate always ties back to the establishment of their nations on the backs of African slaves, who bodies and natural resources were exploited to build those nations. I was just curious why Portugal sucked so much economically after all the chaos they caused to their financial benefit, with their position in slavery. How did they lose all that money and advantage to fall so low, currently? After hearing and seeing so much being bragged about that related back to their times as top slave masters of the world, of course I had to dig deeper to get more information on just where all of those Black slaves did they stop, and brought back to Portugal. Where the hell are they??? This is why I went to get some Black context and ended up finding the slave history tour in Lisbon, which could help shed light on the Black Heritage, in Portugal. Then, only after ending my time in Portugal, I realized that I had been walking around the place just passing by areas of important and didn’t even know that I was passing by, and looking at, documented nods to the African history in Portugal. I even did a big walking tour where we passed these things, as well, and not one word was said about them by the local guides. 🤔 I have the photos with GPS in nearby areas, and I have the location history, I was right in front of many of these or to the side, and the guide said zero about it. I noticed this as I started looking up names and seeing what I marked on my google maps and noticed I was so close to all of that. I even ate at restaurants right across the street from some of these specially marked African history locations, nobody said “hey by the way, this is what my great city has been doing to accommodate everyone and explore our history…” Nope, the guide did not do this. I passed many statues and some plaques, that I didn’t know what they said or what they were there for because I don’t read Portuguese that well. Lisbon has undergone a process to put up plaques all over the city to spread history about the presence of Blacks in Portugal, during slavery times. Portugal does not know how to have the discussion about slavery, and the right-wing clearly doesn’t want to, as they’re European race-based people, primarily, and this was a major step forward for Portugal despite what I just said. So, the African history tours would take you to these areas I blindly passed by, and would explain the history behind them all—this is why you should book the tour in Lisbon instead of doing it yourself, because you can find all of the plaques because they’re mapped here, but you won’t understand the context nor the language because it’s all in Portuguese. This is why I didn’t even notice them but was RIGHT in front of a few of them not know wtf I was looking at. 🤦🏾 I went by a statue in the Mercado da Ribeira called “Estátua do Marquês Sá da Bandeira” If you want to find it when you get there, go here and I had no idea why it was there, but later learned that the lady at the base of the statue was called “Preta Fernanda,” a mixed-race woman from colonized Cape Verde in 1859, mixed with Portuguese and African, who’s real name was Andresa do Nascimento. This lady is here as a symbol by the oppressor that they banged Black women so they can’t be racist in Portugal– more on that later. I thought it was just some statue of a play or something, turned out it was significant to Africans from Portugal. She was a swirling chick who got lured from Africa to Portugal by a white Portuguese slave ship captain, under the promise that he would marry her and make her seem important like real European even though she was Black, and she bough it hook line and sinker, like modern divestors. Then, after he was done with her, he DUMPED her and sent her back to the streets, but in Portugal now, stranded in Portugal somewhere. You think she learned her lesson? Nope, she was right back at it with her survival seggs tactics and was out there swirling again, with some new German (number 2 in the slave shipping game at this time), and then he moved her to Lisbon. That guy did that “race mixing” Portugal and Brasil are so proud of, and deserted her with 2 kids, creating that fatherless problem these chicks love so much. She learned NOTHING from the oppressors, she was right back to dong silliness. The culture on Portugal holds her up as a Black woman inspiration 🤦🏽♀️ because she was a free woman race mixing with these white European men, and then she continued on despite getting used and discarded, left as a baby mother who had maid jobs and posed for drawing and sculptures. Now mind you, if you went by that statue, the only one of real significance is who’s at the top of the statue, General Marquês de Sá da Bandeira, because he’s the one who helped to abolish slavery in Portugal and that statue with both of them is the only official nod to anti-slavery because Portugal is proud of its slavery history. That statue symbolizes “Look, Portugal ended the transatlantic slavery for good!” and “Look, we’re not racist, we banged and discarded Black women.” That’s the meaning of that 1 statue that acknowledges slavery, and those two excuses are all you hear from Portugal to say “I’m not racist”. Why did they put “Preta Fernanda” in that statues? and why did they call her by any other name but her own name, that’s beyond me. She gets all the attention like how Black Americans want reparations and instead of a strong Black man being sent to deal with the government, Democratic party sent Cardi B, Glorilla, and Meg Duh Stallion to promote over-seggsualized, violent Black women as the face of Black people, to Presidents. 🤦🏽♀️ Blacks never learn shlt, I tell you… It’s why the Black neighborhoods are shlt, this is who gets a seat at the table. If you didn’t learn all these things I’m sharing, prior to going to Portugal, you’d have zero understanding just walking by like I did. I’m so upset because I’m a traveller, not a vacationer, and I didn’t get to properly travel like I wanted to this time. The problem I have with this Preta Fernanda figure is the same with thot-hop music today, this is put up as the face of Blacks, by European descendant people, and they’re caricatures of Black people, meant to be used as negative stereotypes. Preta Fernanda is no different! She is known for the things you find in common ghetto chicks today’s lives. Everyone says she was a victim that all these white men seggsed and deserted, if you listen to some Black of Portugal, but if you go on facts and not feelings, then in 1912, you’d see she wrote a “tell-all” memoir called “Recollections of a Colonial Subject” about all of the white men she slept with—at least she hid their real names. She had bodies on bodies of white men, she was a symbol of proud race mixing, according to Portugal. Her efforts on them streets were phenomenal. 😔 In the memoir, she wrote about how big their penlses are and how great they were in bed. She was pushing the over-seggsualized heaux culture back in 1912, this is no different from Superhead, but 100 years prior and in Portugal, and this is the model that Blacks have in Portugal. She’s no different than SupaHead and other video vixens who banged the rappers and wrote tell all books about their seggs habits. Some things NEVER CHANGE! 🤦🏽♀️ I’m not joking, this is really who they celebrate there. If all yall have is heaux tales and some European telling your Black stories (no disrespect, much love for the 50+ years of experience but… she’s not US/YOU.. ), you’re not getting anywhere near any reparation money nor social change. You don’t control your own fates. Yall negroes better get on code! Everyone talked shlt about FBA demanding reparations and yet, here are all these same nations of Blacks suddenly realizing that they too should show that they have spines! Still, you need better examples to put forward and they need to come from Black MEN, not anyone else, because this is who is the target of colonial oppression, 90% of the time, even today.

If you do happen to read Portuguese and are you are in Portugal, the locations of these plagues and historical places is HERE with a little bit of the history attached in this Google Map— GPS is not exactly perfect on a few of these because Google Maps sucks out there! Someone associated with the tour group gave it to me, so I’m sharing with you– but it will be useless if you don’t already have the context or the language mastered. The coordinates are also very not exact because Google maps on your phone sucks and the plotting on the attached map is therefor off, up to 20 meters in any direction, I would figure. A good reading companion, if you can get your hands on it, is a book called “Roteiro historico de uma Lisboa Africana” or “Historical Guide to an African Lisbon” by Author Isabel Casto Henriques. She and Batoto Yetu Portugal group work together so it’s an excellent companion for that tour and I’m sure you can purchase a book from them, which they have in English. Check the video . I also had a conversation with a scholar, while in Portugal, and he gave me the MOTHERLOAD on this information, he gave me THIS LINK and it break it all DOOOOOWN, the whole attempt to hide the history of the colonization of Portugal is well documented, they cannot spin-doctor this! Before this right-wing regime in Portugal, there was some progress, during the Pandemic, to bring more light to African history in Portugal, and we’re not talking about the Moors either, the African SLAVES where were stolen and or sold to Portugal are mainly Sub-Saharan so they’re BLACKS. When they started to install those plaques all over Lisbon, Portugal, that was a nod in the right direction to acknowledge the Black population, but it makes the nationalists very mad because you have to talk about the FAILURE of Portugal to capitalize on all that slavery they were doing, unlike England or France, or even the USA. Portugal did not want to put those plaques up, and don’t want people not from Portugal to know about his Black history, so it was a fight just to get the plaques, which I’m sure someone right-wing will tear down, shortly. So, while I agree they don’t have a ferocious right-wing presence, hellbent on racial superiority and nonsense to specifically motivate negative people for a goal they’re not going to benefit from, the right-wing, and the European supremacy ideology is still baked into Portugal and its core, you cannot deny this. The refusal to discuss their role in slavery, that alone should be your key indicator that race is a factor there, and that Portugal is more racist than they want to let us– although, maybe not so overt as the other European nations, to their credit. Slavery denial is European supremacy ideology showing it’s dominance over society, and is not the right thing for a country claiming it’s fully integrated with seggual “race mixing” when societally, there is no race-mixing as in a MELTING POT where people are on equal footing no matter the race. That does not exist in Portugal, so their spun up lies will reveal themslves in time, because in order to set Blacks right, that means some European supremacy frameworks have to lessen, to transfer some privilege to the disenfranchised, and historically, that comes with a LOT of resistence, and HERE is when you see the overt racism show its face that everyone will say “hmm I don’t know where that came from.” And the right-wing of Portugal will be just like everyone other right-wing machine, and will say Blacks are just lazy in Portugal and the had equal rights and equal opportunity as any white. Who wants to take that bet up with me? Ask someone from Portugal why their Blacks aren’t in government, and high up in society, see what they say– crickets! Oh wait, they’ll say “look we put women in power” again, the non-threatening to European supremacy, because if any attempt to get a Black man into power, that fails because he is a real threat. With women, they see Preta Fernanda, a non-threat who can be bought off. Even when the far-right went in on these women, telling an official to go back to their country with all that Black nonsense, there was nothing done about it, and the far-right continues to grow in Portugal. The far-right has a slogan “God, country, family and work” and if you examine all of the elements, how does this impact Blacks of Portugal? You will see that most cannot fit into the idea this far-right is promoting, and THIS is where the racial tensions will grow and Blacks will be shown that they’re not wanted and not Portuguese! The God that enslaved Blacks, the country that enslaved Blacks, the families that don’t include Blacks and the work that Blacks have not many opportunities to participate in, this is not for Blacks of Portugal. The whole agenda is HATE, and Blacks are not real Portuguese to this lot. Mark my words, it the racism is spreading and they have ~50 seats in government now. All those fancy people FLEEing to Portugal, how are they combating the right-wing uprising? They’re race mixing to combat it, not protesting or taking up politics to change their fates. Read the articles, on it, it’s sickening 🤦🏽♀️

I had all of this information in my head when I was in Portugal, but it all came to me too late because I had no time to move about like I needed to see things myself. I clearly will return there, but one of the biggest problems I had is that Blacks I talked to, they’re Africans who don’t have a long history inside of Portugal, and all they care about is hustling in the streets and working blue collar jobs. I was getting all the information from white people of Portugal, not any Blacks except 1 guy. He told me about Fado, very cautiously, as if whispering, which worried me. Fado is a song and or dance art that Portugal is known for, but I read that is had African roots, from a Black guy. Nobody in Portugal will EVER say that is true, except maybe older Blacks. Portuguese just say it comes from Lisbon, how the hell can you believe these people in Portugal that Fado does not come from Africans, or at least Brasilian Africans, when nobody in Portugal had that kind of swag? You talk to people, they said Fado spread to the colonies from Lisbon, Portugal, but Portugal was the birthplace, and it could never have come from Africans at all, even the Arabs (Moors). So, they whitewashed Fado there. Fado, like Bachata in Dominican Republic, originated in the streets where the heaux be at. Seriously, Fado comes from the brothel where the dirty-thirsty Portuguese sailors (like the ones Preta Fernanda was banging), African slaves and ladies of the night mixed after the earlier voyages of the enslaved Africans with the Portuguese, this is the officially documented origin, not that BS my guide tried to sell me about it was completely made up out of nowhere in Portugal. Right, and it just suddenly magically popped up when the slaves started arriving, eh? . Most people don’t even know there is a DANCE to Fado, because that would give it away that it’s African. The Portuguese non-Blacks stole it like their American counterparts stole Jazz, Blues and Rock-n-Roll in the USA, from Blacks. You go find a Fado show in Portugal, there are no Blacks doing it! They won’t let them in the building! The lyrical style of Fado, that’s the language of Blacks, from the original songs, and Fado is likened to Black Jazz, often, born out of Black souls— stolen by the dominant society. Nobody I talked to, except for some Blacks I met when exiting, admitted it was African in origin, they just say “oh it’s from Lisbon.” And I was disappointed with the Blacks in Portugal that I spoke to because most can’t tell you the historical things I mention here. This is what really pissed me off, because I probably could have learned more if the Blacks, I talked to in Portugal, only knew ANYTHING of Portugal in the first place. I asked several people about the figure “Father Paulino” (Pai Paulino) aka Paulino José da Conceição, who was a freed man from Brazil and advocate for Black rights after he arrived in Portugal. I was disappointed that I couldn’t find reputable Blacks to talk to on the matter, and the most notable scholars on Black history in Portugal, are white Portuguese people Isabel Castro Henriques and Pedro Pereira Leite. At least most of their publications can be found online. Until those Blacks in Portugal get it together and build knowledge and confidence to take the fight to the ruling class, I don’t see a damn thing progressing in this area. You can’t have so many off-code negros fvcking up the game plan and that many Blacks not knowledgeable about jack shlt actually infuriated me. I shouldn’t have to go take a Black history tour somewhere in Lisbon, Portugal to get some Black person from Portugal to tell me about what’s it’s like being there for Blacks. No one was willing to tell me about real Black life there, because too many white people were around and they were scared or ashamed I figured. I wanted to know why people are snooty or rude out there to me and wanted to know was Portugal racist or not from someone with boots on the ground. These negroes were too scare, subservient, defeated and just wanted to work their jobs in the shadows. You’re not getting any empowerment or reparations with people like this. As these negroes get off of the boats today, they have to learn to stop thinking like the negroes who got off the boats in 1444. As soon as their feet touch ground in Portugal, they should be handed a Black History book by some Black from Portugal, but this is NOT happening so don’t expect progress any time soon. Electing Black women to government is another token gesture akin to adding plaques all over the city in Portuguese so English speakers can’t understand why they’re there and get curious. Adding Black women to government in Portugal was as empty as adding that one to the US Vice President role– completely empty gesture and she’s done NOTHING for Black Americans, she’s a symbolic gesture for Blacks but she really did only help Asians who she identifies as anyway, and went to boss around Africans to threaten them into pushing LGBTQ and women’s rights if they want money from USA, and did nothing for Blacks there either. She’s America’s Preta Fernanda. Beware, Blacks of Portugal. Take these symbolic people to task and throw them out if they’re not pushing your Black agenda.

Frustrated with the lack of knowledge of local Blacks in Portugal, I expanded the questioning to some of my ladies I know, who traveled a lot to Portugal, and overwhelmingly, none of the ladies said they experienced any of the racism or even an air of it, when they went to Europe. All these Black women, 1 by 1, swore by Europe and said their travels were the best ever trips they had ever taken. They went to Portugal, they went to places I went to, they said they were treated like royalty. I was wondering if it was a generational thing that gave me the previous info on how racist Europe is, because most of the ladies I recently asked are younger than Generation X, and the guys I asked/know were Generation X and younger. I couldn’t figure out why the difference was so all over the place, so I decided that I’d go deeper into Europe, to see for myself why that split in people’s opinions of Europe, and I can say that I think I know what’s at play here. Thanks to the last series of trips taken, especially the experience in Portugal, I think I see the real story. I realized it from the moment I told many of the same people that I would take the trip and the judging by the feedback on suggestions of what to do and what to eat, things like this, I realized that it really comes down to where these people took trips, audience they took with them, and the style of travel that these people like to have. The people who overpraised Europe, those people were the typical vacationers, they’re not “travelers.” Travelers absorb and reflect where they go, not these vacationers, so vacationers are not that observant. All vacationers ever really do is step their feet in a country for even 30 minutes, and then they’re on social media bragging that they went to the country, even if after minute 31, they are immediately BACK in whatever transportation that got them there, to remove them from that country. What do I mean? It’s like people who take cruises to countries, and they don’t even get a full day wherever they go, and they have to get back on the boat and then they’re off to another location. They don’t really get enough time to even process the location that they went to, but they’re bragging about the number of countries they went to, and when you see people on dating apps, social media, anywhere braggards congregate, when you see a high ‘travel count,’ you should know, they’re likely in this group of people who aren’t really traveling and seeing shlt! I recently talked to a chick who only takes cruise ships, and these ships spend only a few hours at locations, and they’re done. She was busy bragging to everyone in the office I visited about this. She took a crapload of photos of nonsense at each location, but mostly didn’t do anything but take pics of the food- which everyone does, but that’s really all she could say about these places. For instance, she went to Denmark, and I asked about a bunch of classic things to see, or places to visit, in Denmark, and she had not even ever heard of them! Mind you, this lady is claiming she is the world traveler, every woman in the office praised her for the ability to spend all that money and never really see shlt EVER on these garbage trips she took. I asked her if she found anything in Denmark about their role in slavery, and she said she would never go a country to go investigate or even learn that of the country, because it would spoil her trip. So, being willfully ignorant, that’s a vacationer. As Black as she was, and her people were from Africa, I was surprised that she was trying her best never to know this, and THAT is what I notice when I ask Black chicks their opinions of things like this, they put their heads in the sands to try to look a must like a European woman as possible, and want to be willfully ignorant while they pretend to be a rich woman like the TV shows. That kind of travel absolutely annoys the hell out of me, it’s why I hate taking women on vacation with me, because it’s always this annoying style of travel that MUST be ‘Instagrammable,’ that is to say that you have to FAKE like it’s a real vacation or a fulfilling vacation, to make other think you’re really doing something major when you’re NOT and you’re clearly away that you’re bullshltting people. This lady in that office, she’s a master of bullshltting about trips to Europe. Unfortunately, I know too many like this, so they don’t know a damn thing about the places they visit, they’re just there to take photos of their faces. The one lady who did admit that she was curious out this stuff, said she had family in Portugal who had a history that dates back to times Lisbon was handling slaves. How much could she shed on the topic? NOTHING. Useless, but she has been to Lisbon “hundreds of times” yet can’t tell me jack shlt but how to buy the best sardines or souvenirs. OFF-CODE NEGROES! 😔

All of this I shared led me to understand why nobody respects any Blacks in Portugal, they didn’t even respect themselves enough to know their own history, whether it was lady or Blacks in Lisbon that I tried to find info from. When the nationalists of Portugal look at those Blacks, they only see inferior people, just like many from many countries in the West, but the lack of heart, lack of spirit, lack of fight in the Blacks in countries like Portugal, they’re just servants in the eyes of many of the people I saw in Portugal. I saw not many Blacks in many locations in Portugal, aside from Lisbon, really, and where I saw them, they were isolated, they were ignored, they didn’t seem equal to any Europeans I saw. I didn’t see anyone walking around in suits, I didn’t see any in restaurants as the owners, as the Maître d’ of any locations. They were like the invisible proletariat, looking at me like “WTF is this guy doing walking in front of those white people and not letting them all pass before he walks?” It’s like the luxuries we have in the USA, they do not enjoy in Portugal, they know their places as the permanent underclass, and they don’t talk, they don’t get out of line, and they just know to be inferior. Even the ones I talked to; they looked all around to make sure no European people were near before they would even dare talk to me. If I saw them in motion, in the streets, they were quickly rushing doing some delivery job or something, they didn’t want to stop and chat. Just everyone was in a shameful bubble. They couldn’t understand why I was even asking about African History in Portugal. Do you think people of Portugal are scared of any revolution from these guys? Do you think they respect these guys? No to both, and that’s a big problem if trying to get reparations. If you play the slave, you’ll forever be the slave. They never had Civil Rights, so people don’t have to care about respecting Blacks there. That’s what’s behind a lot of the disrespect that people are seeing when they are foreigner Blacks traveling to Portugal. The people who were stopping me from entering venues, until my tour guides intervened, these are people who equated ME to the subservient Blacks they raised in Portugal. In a few locations, all throughout Portugal, I went to eat by myself most times because I was chasing special foods from Portugal, and 9 out of 10 times, I wanted to use the bathroom to wash my hands after but was stopped in some form or another. Now, I know the reason for the stoppages, they try to patrol to make sure the people who are not eating in the restaurants don’t use the bathroom for free, BUUUUUUT, I watched many pale-skinned people walk right into 7 out of 10 of these places and nobody said or did anything to them to stop them from using the bathrooms. Me, 9 out of 10 times, whomever working at the restaurant who was closest to the bathroom, would stop me as ask me where I was sitting, or would call to someone else to ask that person to verify that I was really eating there and a paying customer. It was embarrassing, to have people constantly staring at me when someone held me up, blocking the bathrooms, so that I couldn’t use it, while we waited for confirmation that I was a paying customer. It was outrageous really. I started to keep a copy of the receipts, in my hand, as I approach the bathrooms, and I would walk to the person who attempted to block my path with my arm outstretched, holding the paid receipt, and ask the person to kindly excuse themselves, so that I could piss. These people were serious about guarding their bathrooms from ME. I would observe carefully, even when there were NOT a lot of people in these places, because I went when the tours and such were not yet there, and I have pics to prove that most were not full capacity in the restaurants, and yet STILL this stupidity. The funniest thing is that after they looked stupid, and I proved I was a paying customer, even to the waitresses who rang up my bill using the mobile point-of-sales device, with me at my table, they were unapologetic about any error they made in that interaction. These people would not offer any apologies, they’d just go about whatever they interrupted themselves from doing before they originally blocked my path, they see nothing wrong with it, they’re doing their duties as waiters and waitresses to block me from using the bathroom. Maybe this is the case, but guarding the bathroom so fiercely in a 1/10th capacity filled restaurant? Seriously? Twice, the waitresses gave me my receipts, and when I went to use the bathroom, they asked what I was trying to do as they blocked me and must have forgotten me just that quickly. Then I had to explain that I was in the right place to use the bathroom, I can read the signs properly, and I’m not confused but that they’re blocking me. The wild thing is they’d signal for reinforcements immediately, like they’re going to jump me for using the bathroom—keep in mind, there is not resistance from me at any point other than confusion of why they’re put themselves in front of me, outstretched their arms to block the doorway to the bathroom, while they called someone else who worked in the restaurants. Is that not odd and excessive? I’d point to where I was sitting, which they’d not cleaned up yet because they’re slow there too, before they’d motion to another person to assist in identifying if I was a paying customer or not. This is when I started to just carry the receipt, put it in their faces or give it to them, and let them know that THEY printed for me. I’d call the person by their names, and they’d be shocked that I knew them. 🤡 Now, I started to be a dlck about it, and I’d repeat back their NAMES to them, after every sentence to them, since their names are on the receipts, and tell them that THEY gave me the receipt. Portugal is WEIRD, man. One time, one bathroom guard eye signaled for help from a neighboring man to help ID me and while she’s looking at the receipt the guy said “check the date on the receipts, sometimes they try to get in an old one” or something to this effect in Portuguese. Then I watched the girl scan with her eyes for the date and she said “it’s from today” back to him, and she would still block the entrance way to the bathrooms, until he signaled, I could go in. This is why I started being a prick, using their names. Nobody apologized for any inconvenience, ever. Not what they do there in Portugal, very proud people about those bathrooms. Can I say that’s racism? I can’t prove anything, so nope. Could easily be Xenophobia, jealousy, etc. I know poor hospitality is what is common in Portugal, wages are poor there, many people are not making much money so that can lend to part of that, but to see some Black person come in doing expensive things, eating expensive food, and if you hate life, and you see this, maybe this can trigger some people of Portugal. It’s not everywhere, I didn’t get this everywhere, but I noticed this anywhere someone was an “authority” over something, like bathrooms and entrances to museums. It’s just a really interesting pattern where I come in not getting smart on anyone until deep into the stoppage of me doing something I clearly paid to do. These people were messing up my experience and exploration in Portugal—mean not really because nobody can stop my swag—but it was getting pretty annoying to have it so much. The conclusion that I consistently came to was I think some people have a bit of a CLASS problem. A lot of the things I was doing there, it was overpriced like crazy, so they could be looking at me like “How the hell is this Black able to afford this” but again, it’s looking at the Black who are local and comparing me to that. These guys would stare at me like I was an alien in many of the places I went to, it’s alien for these people to see obviously Black people do all this expensive stuff and be the only Black among a bunch of non-Blacks, just SEAs of non-Blacks.

Does that do something to them that triggers implicit bias? I think this is what’s really what’s going on in Portugal. I like to kid the Black Auntie type ladies about how they’re always showing off out loud, in Portugal and all over Europe when I see them, and now I think I get it. I think I see why they have to be so ostentatious when they’re anywhere and have to bullshlt and pretend they’re so rich when surrounded by all these European and European descendants. I believe they’re countering these things I experienced, because they’ve been doing this kind of travel for decades before most men started going to places like Portugal. It is really hard for some people to get rejected like I was getting, and I now know what makes so many NOT want to be in Europe at all. You have the funds to do what you want, you go to spots you want to explore, and you’re feeling like you constantly have to validate to the people why YOU, the Black person, are in public places with European descendants, as if these places are only for them. Again, nobody is coming up to you and SAYING this, and this is not just some problem faced in Portugal, I’ve seen this over and over throughout Europe and can validate other Black peoples’ stories now, but you get most of this from people who are visitors to Portugal, and that is the most important comment. These other travelers are there trying to figure out why you’re not some servant Black person, and how you got out of the Matrix or something. It makes you feel like some European is going to rob you of all your money and camera gear, the way many of them are looking you up and down, monitoring their possessions to make sure you don’t steal anything of theirs—meanwhile, all the thieves of Europe look more like them and me! The reason pickpocketing is so huge in PIIGS especially, is because the thieves are European featured, and the implicit bias that has people acting stupid towards me, the Black, is the same vulnerability that is exploited by the pickpockets who are all non-Black people. I LOVED this about Europe, absolutely the best thing about Portugal, seriously, that all the thieves are mostly not Black, but all the visitors are looking at the Blacks as if that’s who’s going to steal things. 👏🏼 I have a few pickpockets on video, my mistake, and I can see people focused on me or some other Black, while the real pickpockets stole things out of people’s bags. As soon as I figure out how to masque their faces, with software, I’m going to post the 360 video that I accidentally captured, so you can see what I mean. I don’t want them to get arrested, they’re doing a great thing, or at least when people are distracted by Blacks that they expose themselves. This guy here, he also did what I was doing, and caught the pickpocket who didn’t know he was filming, an it is he whom I got the idea to do that from. People would be focused on ME, and the pickpocket would move in and rob the people focused on me. I’m very happy to indirectly help them earn money to feed their families. That is brilliant to use the implicit bias against me (by others), to rob the people who are fixated on me, while they’re distracted trying to guard against me stealing things from them. Ay yo, any of you pickpockets who need me to run interference next time, I’ll let you know when I’m coming to town and I’ll help you make big bank and you can keep all the money, I don’t even want a cut. Seriously, this happened, in a restaurant too, where chairs and tables are entirely too close to each other for my comfort. I came back from the bathroom, in 1 very tightly packed restaurant, and a guy was pointing to me, speaking some language I couldn’t identify. The main waiter and those people were looking at me, coming out of the bathroom so I looked at them back. They were searching for something, the guy was checking his bag, couldn’t find something, and instead of looking at neighboring people, he is looking at ME, because I was sitting next to them, 2 tables over though. The waiter asked me if I had by mistake picked up something he was describing, but I assured them I did not, I even went to far as to the family, open my tiny cross-body bag, and told them I don’t know how they think I am, but they should be looking for Europeans, not me. Now, I’m being a dlck, and I pulled out my phone and told played that video I shared about pickpockets of Europe and showed the video of the looks of the pickpockets, showing him that it’s his people that are the pickpockets. I told him to focus on that, not me. I wasn’t going to do this, but the family made a stink and forced the waiter to interact, so I have to shame them like dogs show take a dump on your carpet, you have to smack them on the head, put their head to the pile of shlt they made and say, “don’t do it again.” And because it’s ME, I go through my pockets to show I don’t have whatever they’re looking for and then I start to take off my belt with my crotch right to the guy’s face 🤣— and this is when the waiter half-laughs and says, “no don’t do that you can leave.” Maybe I’m just warped in the head, but I look at these stupid situations completely different from most people. I start to help them look for the missing item, being stupid, moving chairs out of the way, but then I asked the waiter if they checked the table to their right, the family closest to them, and pointed out I was a table way from them, and showed them that there was a table of people in-between me and this family. Then I start pointing to the family next to them, and told them to go check those people, and I kept looking at them suspiciously, like the criminals that they are, and then I pulled the waiter over and asked him to go question that family to their left, because I feel they’re thieves, and I begin to play the video and now show him what pickpocket thieves look like in Europe. I told him I studied for hours what pickpocket thieve of Portugal look like and they look like these people making the claim and also the family minding their business to the left. I asked the waiter if he needed help drilling that family to the left about their whereabouts and what’s in their pockets. I was being SILLY, mainly because I had 1 hour before my transport would arrive, so I was bored and had nothing else to do but go shop. And as it came time for my ride to get me out of Lisbon, to move on to Spain next, it was then that I realized that that last trip was a huge, missed opportunity for me. I mean, I don’t hate Portugal at all, of course, but they’re betting this bars for their terrible history. And apparently, the African communities are thriving in Lisbon, although very much subdued. Many of the Africans say that Europeans see them and get freaked out because they thought Portugal was supposed to have no Blacks, and it just confirmed that people don’t know the history of Portugal and it needs to be told, for good or for bad. I mean, 4,000 Jewish people were slain by the Portuguese, in Lisbon, back in 1506, and Jewish people learned first-hand what oppression was by Portugal’s hand, only to have a Jewish guy Aaron Lopez run a whole slavery racket out of Rhode Island, on Black people which was ILLEGAL then. People asked how someone could do that with that kind of past against his people. Ethnic persecution, religious persecutions, they didn’t care, money was their ruler at that point, not morality. Oh, today, if you have Jewish lineage dating back to this time, Portugal wants to apologize to you specifically by giving you citizenship for having family there back in these times— and I personally know someone who got his citizenship this way in less than 2 weeks, 1 week ago! That page has step by step instructions, and it’s very easy so get it while it lasts. Well, that was a Portuguese point of pride back then, so it wasn’t considered a bad thing that would make his question his religion because there is nothing that is making him feel bad about this kind of treatment of others in his religion. The pride of being from Portugal, that made Lopez take up slavery and profit from it without even a second thought. That’s how powerful slavery was and how synonymous it was with Portugal, and ultimately Europe. To denounce it is akin to denouncing the existence of Portugal on the world stage, as it’s only contribution to the world, in their minds, is getting all the Europeans to pillage Africa and enslave Africans– they stay quite about Asia because they took some big losses there. This is why Portugal will never give reparations to the Africans they destroyed and barely want to give citizenship we find out today. The Africans in Portugal are powerless, are income-disadvantaged and opportunity disadvantaged, they can’t get anything off the ground because they’re not a force to be reckoned with, currently. And now that they’re not getting visas like they used to, to come to Portugal from outside, their numbers are not ever going to be significant enough to get change. Everything will stay status quo, and let’s not forget that these people are taken token symbolism rather than something tangible and substantial. American Blacks got George Floyd statues and Juneteenth, and Portugal gave its Blacks that Preta Fernanda statue and the new plaques around the city. That’s not going to do a damn thing, it is empty pacification nonsense, it’s not a step forward because these are silly gestures not something someone can take and translate to true progress. How’s are those symbols going to produce the next Black lawyer in Portugal?

Rather than focus on the former colonial power getting it’s crap together, the Blacks of Portugal, that should the group that should get its act together. European colonizers are going to colonize and pride of their very existence, and justification for being on this earth and feeling superior, it all comes from the barbarism and savagery of the ancestors– theirs that is. The country, like ALL colonizers, will have to come to grips with the past without going too woke– which I hate to say, because racists equate any attempt to get Black people into an equal playing field as a joke that is unneeded, but they are racists because these are people who feel their people are on top because they’re naturally superior, smarter, and advanced; meanwhile, they made it impossible for Blacks to have access to education, jobs, and all other opportunities that they gave to the pale Europeans and European descendant offspring. Blatant racism exists in many European and European descendant countries, it’s why even USA call you woke if you bring up Jim Crow laws that were racist laws designed to ensure that Black people never get equal footing, which went in after Blacks were granted freedom after the Civil War (1865) and didn’t get dealt with until Blacks gained Civil Rights (1965), 100 years later!!!! Portugal does not want the parallels between it an any other colonizer and enslaver but the parallels are too obvious, and people who artificially rose to power, by removing rights of another or subjugating another group of people to lower class, on the basis of race, THAT IS THEIR IDENTITY, and to question that history is an insult to their identity. We all KNOW this, and really, that’s those racists’ version of being WOKE, to be honest. Poking away at their superiority complex hurts their sensitive feelings because you’re hurting their identities, they’re WOKE and the deal in identity politics, and it’s a major staple of every right-wing group around the world, not just the left. If Portugal can’t brag about how they helped introduce Europe to enslaving people they considered racially inferior to them all, thus they enslaved them and used their slave labor to build empires– the point of Monument to the Discoveries– then you’re gutting the HEARTS AND PRIDE of Portugal, or at least that’s what I get from all the resistance to rectifying the wrongs for the Blacks they disenfranchised globally. Portugal has no identity without the discoveries is what they’re basically saying, or at least what I’m hearing, so there is pushback considering this. You know when you’re arguing with a non-male, and they refuse to admit they’re wrong, and keep talking around your valid points, refuse to concede, and then do ‘whataboutism?’ That’s how former colonial powers whine when you uncover their true history and they’re stuck in denial, which a top narcissistic trait. Colonial powers have non-male arguing strategies, that’s what makes them annoying and illogical in their defenses of colonialism, thus they’re never wrong and they will not do anything about it and they turn to gaslighting tactics so that they never have to appear to be wrong. They have a need to be right no matter how wrong they are– non-male traits. Attempting to share power gets you labeled a leftist, but isn’t that being fair to your citizens? Ensuring all citizen at least has equal opportunity, not necessarily outcome, shouldn’t that be a goal for a nation? Portugal will have to break its 1920s American type mindset and bring itself into the 21st century. I believe it’s doing this, and I can say I didn’t see definitive proof that Portugal was al racist in modern day times, minus the far-right nonsense. I saw very rude Europeans, and people pissed at many current events, but any foreigner could get that smoke from them, not just Blacks. Portugal is dealign with issue of identity, you have to let them punch it out themselves to decide who they wish to be to the world, a fair nation or to double down on ignorance of their colonial past. The rise of the right, and that reluctance to collect data to better server the Blacks, that is highly suspicious and holds a clue to where I think Portugal will be, in the next 10 years. You can’t get out of the shadows of the past if you won’t make a fair playing field– but in doing so, they run the risk of exposing that people are mediocre and falsely made to be superior, and folks don’t want to be exposed. That constitution’s Well, maybe that’s the point too, to keep the permanent underclass. Their far-left is about trying to expose the truth about the past, and the far-right is trying to keep that buried, and they do so by blaming the far-left for trying to destroy their history of Portugal by talking about Black people— wait, sound familiar, American Blacks? It really is a parallel to the USA with Republicans and Democrats using Blacks as political pawns to fight over with ideology. The far-right pushes propaganda that Lisbon was NOT the capital of the slave trade, when in fact it was a stated GOAL from Portugal that it was to be this and declared that it was, it’s DOCUMENTED by Portugal. The far-right is a slavery denials band of radicals and they’re pushing the racism themes in the backend, and THIS if what many Blacks and Latinos should know before stepping foot into Portugal, because this is a live wire that is hot, even as we speak. Remember, those African colonies are still attached to Portugal so Africans can still keep coming, and there is a lot of hate over that, in Portugal. Remember that golden visa program I mentioned earlier? If you’re not part of EU, that is a big fat DENIAL for you to get one now, and this will be used to make sure no more Africans or Indians come, as is the plan. Slavery is in the blood of Portugal. I listened to the national anthem (translated) of Portugal, the “heroes of the sea” are these colonizers on the Monument to the Discoveries. The national anthem was made after Portugal was pushed out of slavery, and British made them concede land, so it’s partially a DISS TRACK to Britain! 🤣 Just like the 3rd stanza of the USA’s Star-spangled Banner, the 3rd verse of the Portuguese national them is revenge threat toward Britain for insulting them, bullying them out of slavery and African land by 1890. That parallels are amazing between USA and Portugal. This is in the DNA of Portugal, you’re not going to reverse it, they are proud of their conquests and slavery. Portugal has most people believing that they were the kind ones in slavery, but clearly that was a lie, but most of the country believes that, even the leftists who are not as colonial minded as the far-right, but the far-right is picking up steam, and so is the xenophobia and racism. So the going advert and thing to say in Portugal, when confronted with racism towards Blacks, is “we are the last racist of all European nations, do you see those other Europeans?” Seriously, this is well reported, they direct the attention to other Europeans’ treatment of Blacks, that’s their defense over and over. Deflecting, another non-male arguing trait I can’t stand! Here this guy actually said it again, in print. He, like many in Portugal, also say they’re not racist because they let Blacks play in their sports and entertain them and treat them better than France. It’s in that link right there, this is how they think, it highly IGNORANT. Portugal claims it has no racist party, but constantly say any talk about treatment of Blacks is basically “woke” and this IS what their right-wing parties are saying, so they’re trying to downplay the growing racist tone political parties are doing now, in Portugal, using Blacks as pawns. The Europeans aren’t going to change their ways without force, and therefore, the onus is on Blacks affected by Portugal’s conquest to step up and get active, to represent themselves, and apply pressure. Without this, there is NOTHING that is going to happen and you can’t sit back praying the European people decide to be nice and give you the scraps from the table– that’s not eating at the table. Listening to the gaslighting and going along with it, that need to stop. Portugal feels they were the nicest of all Europeans because they banged a lot of African slave women, yes, you heard that right. Being bedwenches hoping to change your fate, that needs to stop. Get some damn pride, Blacks! 2 Blacks told me that because Portuguese men slept with Black women, that made them not racist and as long as Black are that ignorant, Portugal will never change. Those Black women think they’re offering their sex up as peace offerings to have Europeans go easy on them. It’s a deep psychological flaw that must stop. Portugal claims that the high amount of banging Black women, aka “race-mixing,” that they have forever been doing, that is a clear sign that they were the nicest of all enslavers, and all the women they impregnated, it was all with willing participants, even the slaves. Those Blacks-Over-There (BOTs) eat that up and love it, and the better stop being NPCs or you can forget reparations! Yall are not built like that, based on the stupidity that I heard coming from Africans in Portugal when I was there. I was disappointed in the movement, it’s like the Lisbon African tour group is the only one ready for change. Even today, these people display their “Black” by Portugal standards wives and say “see, look who I sleep with” meanwhile, such people do nothing to improve the lives of Blacks in Portugal. Blacks live in segregation there, there isn’t much done for integration, inclusion and they’re second class citizens, and that’s FINE with Portugal. Those Blacks know their roles, they’re subservient and don’t make any noise, that’s why there isn’t overt racism, but it’s systematic and it is deep-rooted in Portugal. As long as you “shut up and dribble,” serve them and continue to bed their dominant society men, you’re a good Black slave still. Black women were willingly bedding these slavers though, it is true, it wasn’t all (g)rape, as outlined in the book “Daughters of the trade” and they were going for that enslaver left and right, so they may be right there, it’s proven and well documented that any chance they got to marry a non-African they did it. It is was also evidenced by the Preta Fernanda lady the famed African woman who slept with all the white men, who followed them back to Portugal and they all dumped her and left with a rash of unwanted babies. She got the statue dedicated to her for being a bed-wench who wrote salacious seggs-capade tales, and to that the colonialists get to now say “see, we banged your women so we can’t be racist!” How can this not be high level trolling of Blacks? – any of this sound familiar American FBA? Anyone looking at that George Floyd statue any differently at this point? 🍿
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